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Log Update Item Iconic - WooThumbs for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item Iconic - WooThumbs for WooCommerce.

[new] Added support for customising image HTML output via a new `iconic_woothumbs_js_tpl` filter

[update] Improve default sale badge positioning  

[fix] Prevented FVPlayer's legacy browser JavaScript from breaking WooThumbs carousel on variation change  

[fix] Fixed issue with Product Badges compatibility relating to visibility logic  

[fix] Added video iframe compatibility with Salient theme  

[fix] Prevent third party plugins/scripts from triggering duplicate click events on video play 

[new] Woostify compatibility  

[new] Add compatibility with ShortPixel Adaptive Images  

[update] Compatibility with WCPB Product Badges  

[update] Update dependencies  

[fix] Fix issue where fullscreen would automatically close after fullscreen button is clicked on MP4 videos 

<p>[fix] Ensure has_thumbnail check uses variation ID<br></p>

[update] Update dependencies  

[fix] Add variation image gallery from legacy meta field

[update] Update the data-slide-count value in the DOM dynamically  

[update] Update dependencies  

[fix] Auto hide sticky play/pause button on mobile devices  

[fix] Remove code which removes auto WooThumbs gallery when using Elementor  

[fix] Prevent adding parent gallery to variation edit screen  

[fix] Fix timeout issue when setting thumbnail count to 0 on mobile