[new] Added a new filter to show the parent product featured image on variations
[update] Refactored variations form data output to improve page builder compatibility
[update] Added new JS filters to modify carousel functionality
[update] Modified the JS load event logic to make it more robust
[update] HTML hex colour setting values are now sanitized on save
[fix] Enforce 100% width for the gallery on mobile if the responsive thumbnail count is 0
[fix] Fixed a bug with the product variation tab AJAX request caching
[fix] Compatibility fix for Flatsome's Quickview feature
[new] New setting to change between dark/light fullscreen icon styles.
[update] Updated WPML config to include product image gallery field.
[update] Added a filter for disabling gallery image deduplication.
[update] Prevent a duplicated onsale element when using Divi theme/builder.
[update] Updated Freemius SDK.
[fix] Portrait aspect ratio media is now properly displayed in full screen.
[new] Compatibility with page-based products when using the Divi theme builder
[new] Compatibility with Hello Elementor theme to resolve "on sale" element styling
[update] Duplicated images will no longer be included in the gallery
[update] Compatibility with JetWoo Popup plugin's quick view feature
[fix] Prevent disabling WooThumbs from breaking the gallery in Divi builder
[fix] Prevent fatal errors during execution of dynamic styles when using PHP 8.1
[new] Added support for customising image HTML output via a new `iconic_woothumbs_js_tpl` filter
[update] Improve default sale badge positioning
[fix] Prevented FVPlayer's legacy browser JavaScript from breaking WooThumbs carousel on variation change
[fix] Fixed issue with Product Badges compatibility relating to visibility logic
[fix] Added video iframe compatibility with Salient theme
[fix] Prevent third party plugins/scripts from triggering duplicate click events on video play
[new] Woostify compatibility
[new] Add compatibility with ShortPixel Adaptive Images
[update] Compatibility with WCPB Product Badges
[update] Update dependencies
[fix] Fix issue where fullscreen would automatically close after fullscreen button is clicked on MP4 videos
[update] Update dependencies
[fix] Add variation image gallery from legacy meta field
[update] Update the data-slide-count value in the DOM dynamically
[update] Update dependencies
[fix] Auto hide sticky play/pause button on mobile devices
[fix] Remove code which removes auto WooThumbs gallery when using Elementor
[fix] Prevent adding parent gallery to variation edit screen
[fix] Fix timeout issue when setting thumbnail count to 0 on mobile