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Log Update Item Molla | Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme
This page only show history update item Molla | Multi-Purpose WooCommerce Theme.

+ Added: A new setting for related products count has been added in customizer.

- Fixed: Customizer settings panel's style issue.

- Fixed: Team member widget's links were not working.

- Fixed: Translation issue of "Filters" and "Price Range" text on shop page.

- Fixed: The privacy policy text was not shown on checkout page.

- Fixed: "Disable out of stock products" option was not working for products widget.

- Fixed: Hurry up label was shown for out of stock products.

- Fixed: Style options of Elementor's "Text Editor" widget was not working because of p tag's style.

- Fixed: Background color of "My Account" page was not working properly.

- Fixed: Name change of the "Main Menu" was not working properly in mobile menu.

- Fixed: Custom label on product edit page was not working for other languages.

- Fixed: Shape divider element was not working.

- Fixed: Change wrong description of "import and export theme options" in customizer. Path should be a full file path, not directory path.

- Fixed: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter v4.2.1.

- Updated: Elementor latest version compatibility

- Fixed: Vertical Divider widget icon issue in Elementor

- Fixed: Cart Form widget options in Elementor

- Fixed: Product label position in quickview popup

- Fixed: Metabox conditional showing options

- Fixed: Product image zoom functionality does not working correctly with image swatch