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Log Update Item WP Fusion (Personal Plan)
This page only show history update item WP Fusion (Personal Plan).

* Added [EventON integration](

* Added support for [Bento webhooks](

* Added [Pay Per Post tagging with WishList Member](

* Added Login With AJAX integration (login redirects will now work with the Return After Login setting)

* Improved - When a contact ID is recorded in the logs, it will include a link to edit that contact in the CRM

* Improved - It's no longer necessary to enable Set Current User to pre-fill Gravity Forms fields with auto-login user data

* Improved LearnDash course settings admin layout

* Fixed - Removed `wp_kses_post()` on restricted content message (was breaking login forms)

* Fixed `http_request_failed` errors from the WordPress HTTP API not being logged as errors

* Fixed PHP warning loading custom fields from Bento

* Fixed PHP warning in wpForo integration

* Fixed fatal error syncing avatars to the CRM from the BuddyBoss app

* Fixed Users Insights search only running on first page of results

* Fixed FooEvents Zoom URL not syncing

* Fixed fatal error in HubSpot integration when using site tracking and an API error was encountered trying to get the tracking ID

* Fixed `Fatal error: Cannot declare class AC_Connector` since 3.38.0

* Fixed memory leak with WPML, post category archives, and the Exclude Administrators setting

* Fixed Ontraport integration not creating new contacts with missing emails (even though Ontraport allows contacts to not have an email address)

* Developers: Added filter `wpf_wp_kses_allowed_html`

* Developers: Data loaded from the CRM will now be passed through `wp_kses_post()` instead of `sanitize_text_field()` (since 3.38), to permit syncing HTML inside of custom fields

* Fixed missing second argument `$force_update` in `wpf_get_contact_id()`

* Added [Bento marketing automation]( integration

* Fixed updates to existing contacts not working with Klaviyo

* Fixed Bulk Edit box not appearing on LifterLMS lessons

* Fixed JavaScript error with Resync Tags button on admin user profile

* Fixed serialized data not being unserialized during a Push User Meta operation

* Fixed parse error in MemberPress integration on some PHP versions

* Developers: Fixed `wpf_get_contact_id()` sometimes returning an empty string instead of `false` when a contact record wasn't found

* Fixed error `Call to undefined function get_current_screen()` since 3.38.0 when performing some admin actions

* Fixed warning about missing redirect showing on LearnDash lessons where the redirect was configured on the parent course

* Big cleanup and refactoring with improvements for security, internationalization, and documentation

* Added [If-So Dynamic Content integration](

* Added support for syncing the [Zoom meeting ID and join URL with FooEvents](

* Added View in CRM URL for Jetpack CRM

* Added GDPR Consent Date, Agreed to Terms Date, and Marketing Consent Date fields for sync with Groundhogg

* Improved - Guest registrations will log whether a contact is being created or updated

* Fixed XProfile fields First Name and Last Name not syncing during a new BuddyBoss user registration

* Fixed filtering by CRM tag not working in Users Insights

* Fixed user profile updates overwriting Jetpack CRM contacts

* Fixed initial default field mapping not being stored after setup until the settings were saved the first time

* Fixed logs getting flushed when hitting Enter in the pagination box

* Fixed expiration date not being synced after a Restrict Content Pro renewal

* Fixed bbPress forum archive not being protected when Filter Queries was on

* Deleted unused XMLRPC modules in the Infusionsoft iSDK

* Developers: Added function `wpf_get_option()` (alternative for `wp_fusion()->settings->get()`)

* Developers: Added sanitization functionn `wpf_clean()`

* Developers: Deprecated `wp_fusion()->settings->get_all()`

* Developers: Changed `wp_fusion()->settings->set_all( $options )` to `wp_fusion()->settings->set_multiple( $options )`

* Added [RestroPress integration](

* Added [Import Trigger tag option for Jetpack CRM ](

* Added option to [sync LearnDash quiz scores to a custom field in the CRM](

* Added support for WPForms User Registration addon

* Added Picture URL field for sync with CapsuleCRM

* Added nonce verification to Flush All Logs button (improved security)

* Improved - Logs will contain a link to edit the contact record in the CRM after a form submission

* Improved - If Add Attendees is enabled for a Tribe Tickets RSVP ticket, and a registered user RSVPs with a different email address, a new contact record will be created (rather than updating their existing contact record)

* Fixed Ultimate Member `role_select` and `role_radio` fields not syncing during registration

* Fixed Gravity Forms Nested Feeds processing not respecting feed conditions

* Fixed custom fields not syncing with Maropost

* Fixed PHP warning updating contacts with Intercom

* Fixed LearnPress course enrollment tags not being applied when there were multiple course products in an order

* Fixed console errors in the Widgets editor since WP 5.8

* Fixed search input not being auto-focused in CRM field select dropdowns with jQuery 3.6.0

* Added [Event Tickets attendees batch operation](

* Added indicator in the logs when a pseudo field or read only field (i.e. user_registered) has been loaded from the CRM

* Added unique_id field for sync with Ontraport

* Added support for syncing user data from Advanced Custom Fields: Extended frontend forms

* Added Owner ID field for sync with Intercom

* Added Google Analytics fields for sync with Intercom

* Added indicator for email optin status to WooCommerce order sidebar meta box

* Improved - Contact fields settings will default to suggested usermeta / CRM field pairings

* Improved site tracking with Mautic after guest form submission

* Fixed the default owner for new Zoho contacts overriding a custom owner

* Fixed Apply Tags - Assignment Uploaded setting not saving on LearnDash lessons

* Fixed fatal error in admin with WooFunnels 2.5.0

* Fixed fatal error since v3.37.23 with BuddyBoss and registering a new user via MemberPress, when the Limit User Roles setting was active

* Changed WooCommerce function order_has_contact() to get_contact_id_from_order()