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Log Update Item BuddyBoss Theme
This page only show history update item BuddyBoss Theme.

* Header - Handled message dropdown unread indicator UI issue

* Footer - Handled footer default icon issue

* BuddyPanel - Handled scroll doesn't work issue in responsive view

* Gutenberg - Provided 'Page Break' Gutenberg block support

* Profiles - Handled profile completion widget count UI issue for the RTL language site

* Profiles - Handled UI issues on member's directory screen when the member connection component is disabled

* Groups - Handled group header notices styling issue

* Groups - Handled styling issue on Group invite screen when dark background configured in theme options

* Groups - Small styling improvements for group notices

* Forums - Small improvements to show pagination for sub-forums on a single forum screen

* Forums - Handled reply link not scrolling to the specific reply issue when the admin bar is disabled

* Forums - Handled text highlight styling issue when reply posted for a discussion

* Media - Small styling improvements for giphy picker

* Messages - Small formatting improvements for the last message in the messages sidebar and header dropdown

* Registration - Handled login button UI issue on the activation page

* LearnDash - Handled shortcodes links and buttons UI issues on a single lesson and topic screen

* LearnDash - Handled Theme options 'Alternate Text Color' not working issue for quiz listing on course lesson screen

* LearnDash - Handled drip feed lesson issue on a single lesson and topic screen

* LearnDash - Handled 'Start Course' button not disabled issue when no lessons associated

* WooCommerce - Handled products screen UI issue in the responsive view

* Elementor - Handled multiple header search and dropdown option not working issue

* Elementor - Handled Buddyboss widget white space and markup overflow UI issues

* GamiPress - Handled Gamipress widgets (Achievements and Points) UI and broken widget search issues

* Compatibility - Handled 'WP Job Manager' plugin shortcode UI issue with the checkbox