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Log Update Item Ultimate Member - Social Login
This page only show history update item Ultimate Member - Social Login.

* Fixed: Return URL of the Social Networks with single callback URL

* Fixed: Linking social account when logged-in

* Fixed: Time account connected in the Account > Social Tab.

* Added: Remove synced data on disconnecting Social Accounts

* Added: New icons to support other Social Network providers

*   New: Debug logging tool. Please read:

*   New: TwitchTV and Discord settings. Please read the Setup:

* Deprecated: Instagram settings has been removed.

Fixed: Extension settings structure

Fixed: Fatal error on plugin activation without activated social networks.

* Tweak: Update Facebook Graph API to version 11.

* Fixed: Conflict issue with Cron Job

* Added: Automatically connects a social account when email matches on the site. To disable this functionality, please use the code: add_filter("um_sso_automatic_login_with_email","__return_false");