Total 29/03/2025 : We HAVE 11284 Items and more than 3518 happy members.
Log Update Item PDF viewer for WordPress
This page only show history update item PDF viewer for WordPress.

* Added instructions under a few setting fields

* Organized & Optimized css code

* Fixed a Warning for pagemode parameter

* Fixed typo issues

* Added Video & Documentation Links on plugins page

* Misc. Other improvements

* Fixed Warnings on Fresh Installation

* Added Dismissable Notice in case of invalid registration

* Misc. Fixes and improvements

* Updated the way custom color option works to prevent 403 forbidden issues on some servers

* Fixed Global options reset issue on plugin activation for existing installations

* Fixed Issue with Legacy Pages auto Selection in global settings

* Fixed Issue with Pagenav Display on Automatic Link & embed options

* Fixed issue with print/download settings on single pdf viewer setting

* Fixed Warnings on Fresh Installation

* Fixed Issues with Theme Selection on Single Viewer

* Fixed Issues with Theme Selection on Global Settings

* Misc improvements

* Fixed Warnings on 404 page

* Fixed some warnings for fresh installations

* Misc improvements

Fixed a small issue.

Fixed broken issue happening for custom color scheme

* Updated Options Framework

* Misc. Improvements.