Fixed: Calendar Feed URL wasn't loading necessary scripts
Added: You can now show other calendar feeds on a calendar using the Calendar Feed URL setting [(read how to add calendar feeds)](
* Fixed: Fatal error when loading plugin translations
* Fixed: Slow loading times on some hosts
* Fixed: Plugin failing to install on some hosts
* Added: Support for future "Event" Gravity Forms field type when choosing a date field
* Fixed: Plugin was not appearing in the "Add-Ons" section of the Gravity Forms System Status page
* Improved: Now you can use the [`{get}` Merge Tag]( to filter displayed entries by passing URL parameters
* Updated: The name of the plugin is now GravityCalendar, so we updated shortcodes to use the new name. Prior shortcodes will continue to work!
- `[gravitycalendar]` instead of `[gv_calendar]`
- `[gravitycalendar_link]` instead of `[gv_calendar_link]`
- `[gravitycalendar_copy_button]` instead of `[gv_calendar_copy_button]`
- `[gravitycalendar_export_button]` instead of `[gv_calendar_export_button]`
* Updated: Use the GravityCalendar icon in the plugin menu and on blocks
* Fixed: Scripts and styles were loading on pages without calendars
__Developer Updates:__
* Updated: FullCalendar library from 5.10.1 to 5.11.3
* Updated: Popper library from 2.9.3 to 2.11.6