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Log Update Item School Management - Education & Learning Management system for WordPress
This page only show history update item School Management - Education & Learning Management system for WordPress.

* Fixed: Student dashboard overall exam result.

* Fixed: Examination subject code issue (subject code change).

* Fixed: Student dashboard exam result total marks not showing

* Updated: Inquiry Email validation updated (one inquiry with one email address).

* Added: Google play store app url option.

* Added: Front-end inquiry form redirect option added to settings.

* Added: Bulk Print results

* Updated: registration form settings.

* Fixed  : Survey notice was showing in school setting sometimes.

* Fixed  : QR Code was not displaying on admit card properly.

* Fixed  : QR Code was not displaying on exam result card properly.

* Fixed  : Exam result teacher and school remark notice fixed.

* Updated: father and mother name is changed to possessive form.

* Updated: Gmail email Setup information.

* Fixed  : Exam results Psychomotor save issue.

* Fixed  : Student attendance issue (holidays was counting in absents).

* Fixed  : Student attendance issue fixed in student dashboard.

* Fixed  : Staff attendance issue (holidays was counting in absents).

* Changed: Roll number is now section wise.

* Fixed  : Noticeboard issue.

* Fixed  : Bulk print admit card in examination fixed.

* Fixed  : Exam result update, school and teacher remark issue fixed.

* Fixed  : School management Link fixed in Activation page.

* Added  : In Payment history date filter added with total amount of between dates.

* Added  : Registration survey field added.

* Added  : QR code added to certificate.

* Added  : QR code added to exam result.

* Updated: expense total according to date range.

* Added  : invoice payment history added

* Fixed  : Expenses not showing for old invoices

* Fixed  : exam results admission number and fathers name issue fixed

* Added  : payment history receiver name.

* Fixed  : expense list issue.

* Updated: Now you can create 0 amount and 100 Discount invoice.

* fixed  : notice class issue has been fixed.

* Added  : Expense Daily total card added.

Removed: nexmo sms api removed due to vulnerability issue.