* BUG FIX: Fixed warning and broken functionality for the "View All" back link for frontend user affiliate reports.
* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Now localizing dates using the date_i18n() function.
* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Fixed incorrect textdomain for a few localized strings.
* BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Improved "How to Create Links" language for the frontend affiliate report.
* ENHANCEMENT: Implemented the WP POT/PO/MO Generator action.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added `pmpro_affiliate_report_extra_cols_header` and `pmpro_affiliate_report_extra_cols_body` hooks to show extra data on the Reports table in WP admin.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added `pmpro_affiliate_extra_cols_header` and `pmpro_affiliate_extra_cols_body` hooks to show extra data on the Affiliates table in WP admin.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added `pmpro_affiliate_list_csv_extra_columns` and `pmpro_affiliate_list_csv_extra_column_data` filters to add extra data to the Affiliate report export to CSV.
* ENHANCEMENT: Added `pmpro_affiliate_default_cookie_duration` filter adjust the cookie days default value when manually creating a new affiliate.