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Log Update Item Custom Instagram Feed Pro
This page only show history update item Custom Instagram Feed Pro.

* Tweak: After clearing the cache for a hashtag feed, the plugin will now also try to get older posts for that feed using a different API method.

* Tweak: Removed sorting by "likes" for hashtag feeds as sorting by likes is unreliable for this feed type due to limitations of the Instagram API.

* Tweak: You can now have up to 10 columns for feeds displayed on mobile devices.

* Fix: Switching the source for a feed would sometimes result in posts from the previous source being added to the feed.

* Fix: Fixed an issue where our Social Wall plugin was not showing all available Instagram sources.

* Fix: Pagination for showing more than 20 feeds was not displaying on the "All Feeds" page.

* Fix: An error would not display if a connected business account had reached the 30 day limit for new hashtag feeds.

* Fix: Backup method of retrieving video thumbnails was not working in all circumstances.

* Fix: Dashboard notices were displaying when customizing a feed.

* Fix: Added support for the shortcode "mediavine=true" to trigger our Media Vine integration features.

* Tweak: Updated our logo throughout the plugin to match our new [website](

* Tweak: Changed how the hover color for follow and load more buttons is applied to prevent theme conflicts.

* Fix: Fixed Instagram Feed JavaScript file missing from the page when using the "AJAX theme loading fix" setting causing blank images to display.

* Fix: Fixed JavaScript file not being added to the page when using the plugin GDPR Cookie Consent by WebToffee.

* Fix: Some custom tables were not being created for specific versions of MySQL.

* Fix: Custom HTML templates were not applying to new feeds.

* Fix: Added back the ability to use up to 10 columns in feeds for desktop and tablet devices.

* Fix: Fixed the error message not displaying if there was an error when trying to connect a personal or basic account.

* Fix: The reconnect link that would display when an account had an error would not redirect to

* Fix: The shortcode setting "showbio" was applying for non-legacy feeds causing confusion when trying to change these settings in the customizer.

* Fix: Added the ability to create the custom database tables if there was an error when first trying to create them.

* Fix: Dismissing dashboard notifications would cause the "Add new feed" button to stop working until the page was refreshed.

* Fix: Media filters were not working correctly with feeds created with the new customizer.

* Fix: Fixed a PHP error which occurred in the integration with our [Social Wall plugin]( when trying to connect an Instagram account.

* Fix: Fixed an error in the plugin updater code which occurred in certain circumstances.