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Log Update Item Nokri - Job Board WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Nokri - Job Board WordPress Theme.


1- WordPress 5.8.1 compatibility.

2- Added firebase functionality to verify employer and candidate Phone numbers with country code verification with on/off in API Settings.

i)- If a user Verify their number with OTP Phone number will be shown with verified text if verification is on.

ii)-If a user did not verify their number with OTP it will display not verified if verification is on.

3- Added company Data graph chart in the admin dashboard. Now admin can view complete site Jobs, employers, candidates, etc... On the Graph chart in the dashboard with show/hide.

4- Terms and conditions on every contact form on all Employer detail Pages.

5- Candidate resume scoring in Profile update while uploading the Resume with Backend Scoring set option in candidate scoring theme option.

6- Added Terms and conditions on all candidates single page.

7- Added complete Jobs Details graph chart view on Employer-Profile Dashboard.

8- Added complete Received Resume Details graph chart view on Employer-Profile Dashboard.

9- Graph Chart on/off in theme Options Employer General Settings.

10- Added Graph chart that will show all Jobs apply record on Candidate profile Dashboard.

11- Turn on/off Graph Chart for the candidate from Theme Options Candidate settings.

12- Theme options Redux Framework Updated Buttons sets style issues resolved on the backend.

13- Added Stats Counter that will show overall Employer activities on Employer profile Dashboard with on/off Theme Options Employer General Settings.

14- Added Stats Counter that will show overall candidate activities on Candidate profile Dashboard with on/off Theme Options Candidate Settings.


1- Fixed LinkedIn authentication error while applying on a Job.

2- Fixed Grid style layout with horizontal search Multi-search not working Fixed Search Button Visibility.

3- Fixed If Elementor Pro Plugin is activated the Header on Employer dashboard is not showing.

4- Fixed Leaflet Map and Parsley JS Errors.

5- Fixed Employer and Candidate dashboard issue while using Elementor Pro Custom Header.

6- Fixed Download failed a valid URL not found if a user uploads a plugin in zip format from the dashboard.

7- Correction of strings on all Employer's page sidebar, featured employer’s widgets.

8- Fixed Google Captcha width on Employer details Pages and out of column style issue on     style4.

9- Resolved Google Captcha form styling issue on Candidate's details Pages 1, 2, 3.

10- Fixed Employer Style 3 Member since and phone number style and fields missing.

11 - Fixed on employer dashboard complete order on invoice string translation issue.

12- Fixed validations JS errors.

13- Resolved if admin set job post-approval manually it will not be published automatically until admin not approved it.

14- Fixed after posting a job later if the employer edit that existing job and make it feature now it will be featured.

15- Resolved if an employer has a member now member can feature the existing job.

16- Fixed Advertisement Widget and block Issues with WordPress 5.8.1

17- Fixed Multi-select search on Job Search Page Checkboxes will remain selected after the submission of the page.

18- Remove Dot Sign on the Sign up/ Registration page.

19- On the Search Page, more jobs button preloader will now work on loading the page.

20- Candidate Dashboard responsiveness issues resolved on the small screen.

21- On the candidate style 3 portfolio video Height & width layout issue was resolved.

22- Fixed on Candidate details style 3 Rating and Review now showing properly.

23- Employer Dashboard responsiveness issues resolved on the small screen.

24- Footer logo not showing fixed on footer style 4.