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Log Update Item Iconic - WooCommerce Product Configurator
This page only show history update item Iconic - WooCommerce Product Configurator.

[fix] Silenced an error when fetching generated product image URLs, caused by some 3rd party plugins

[fix] Compatibility with WC Product Bundles  

[update] Refactored front-end JavaScript to fire on window load instead of document ready. 

[update] Developer update: allow the configurator as a non-zero indexed item in the gallery  

[new] Compatibility with Yith Wishlist  

[new] Compatibility with WooCommerce QuickTray by Iconic  

[update] Settings framework updates  

[update] Update dependencies  

[update] Remove `wp-post-image` class from Product Configurator layer images  

[fix] Enforced 100% width on Product Configurator images when in a WooThumbs gallery context  

[fix] Silenced error caused by terms not having a default featured image  

[fix] Fixed class-product where (int) was being compared to a string and failing  

[fix] Fixed broken cart image when any of the attribute values has ampersand character(&)  

[new] Conditional layers  

[new] Clear cache button  

[new] Configurator tab toolbar  

[new] JSON loading method for faster image layer updates  

[new] Integration with the default WooCommerce gallery  

[update] Removing Ajax loading in favour of JSON loading methods  

[update] Divi Compatiblity  

[update] Elementor Compatiblity  

[update] Change hook: `jckpc-thumbnail-image-size` to `jckpc_thumbnail_image_size`  

[update] Update dependencies  

[fix] Fix html in notice within the Configurator tab  

[fix] Enqueue admin styles when $pagenow == post-new.php so admin notices appear  

[fix]  Attribute name sanitization (**Note**: test on staging to ensure sort order and images are all assigned correctly in product's Configurator tab)  

[fix] `jckpc_defaults` not saving  

[fix] WooThumbs compatibility when using a different folder name  

[fix] Can't delete default image on global attribute  

[fix] Old image is not deleted if new image is added with + button  

[fix] Default zoom image on page load  

[fix] Retina image is now loaded on page load