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Log Update Item CartFlows Pro
This page only show history update item CartFlows Pro.

- New: Introduced quantity updater for order bump.

- Fix: Order bump was getting unchecked in certain conditions.

- Fix: Fixed the conflict with WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments plugin.

- Fix: Fixed elementor deprecated action notices.

- Fix: Modified the order bump CSS to correct the word break in OB description.

- Fix: Shipping method was not getting updated in certain cases for MultiStep checkout layout.

- New: Added multistep checkout layout style.

- New: Added radio group field option in checkout custom field editor.

- New: Added Order custom field rule in dynamic offers.

- New: Added options to update the order status related strings on offer accepted/rejected popup.

- Improvement: Added new CSS customization options for CartFlows Gutenberg Blocks.

Improvement: The wrong price was getting displayed on the place order button if all products are removed from the checkout page.

- New: Added the WooCommerce Payments support for the upsell/downsell.

- Improvement: Revamped CartFlows Gutenberg blocks.

- Improvement: Added WooCommerce HPOS compatibility.

- Fix: Upsell failing for Square payment gateway.