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Log Update Item Gravity Perks Populate Anything
This page only show history update item Gravity Perks Populate Anything.

- Added new `gppa_object_type_filter_after_processing` and `gppa_has_empty_field_filter_value` PHP filters.

- Fixed issue where numeric filters such as greater than were not working correctly with the Gravity Forms Entry Object Type.

- Fixed regression where property values would not show for the Database Object Type in the Form Editor.

- Fixed issue where Value population did not work correctly for Option fields using the Checkbox Field Type.

- Fixed a potential PHP warning on the Entry Details screen.

- Improved error handling during queries in the event that a `WP_Error` object gets returned for various reasons (missing taxonomy, etc).

- Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags in List field column labels would not be replaced in the Entry Details screen.

- Fixed issue where a query limit was not being used when fetching values for a property in the Form Editor which could cause out-of-memory errors.

- Added IP, Payment Method, Payment Status, and Transaction ID as available properties under the Gravity Forms Entry Object Type.

Added support for viewing dynamically populated choices in add-on results pages such as the Survey Results.

- Fixed an issue where the GF Entry object type wasn't always JSON decoding when filtering using a JSON value such as one from a multi select field.

- Fixed a scenario where a product/option's price would not be stripped from the submitted value during failed validation which would cause dependent fields to not be properly populated.

- Fixed an issue where carriage returns (`\r`) would be inserted into field values when filtering by them which could cause data to not be matched for certain object types such as Gravity Forms entries.

- Improved compatibility with Easy Passthrough and populating chained choices/values.

- Added new [`gppa_prepopulate_field_values`]( PHP filter.

- Fixed a PHP warning that could occur in some cases with multiple input fields if there are some inputs without value templates specified.

- Improved compatibility with replacing Live Merge Tags inside merge tags parsed by GravityRevisions.

- Fixed Live Merge Tags not being parsed in {all_fields} for nested entries.

- Added new [`gppa_field_objects_query_args`]( filter.

- Added new [`gppa_value_specification`]( filter.

- Improved behavior of filter selects/inputs when reloading field settings.

- Fixed an issue where Live Merge Tags displaying time field values that are loaded in through Field Value Objects could result in the wrong time format being used.

- Fixed an issue where Live Merge Tags could show a number in the wrong format if the Number field is set to use a format outside of decimal dot.

- Fixed an issue where Live Merge Tags would not work as expected with textareas on multi-page forms where some lines have trailing whitespace.

- Improved performance if using Populate Anything with JetSloth Images Add-on.

Fixed issue where live merge tags were not parsed correctly in HTML fields when displayed in GravityView.

Fixed PHP notice generated when using a custom database due to incorrect database being used when attempting to convert date-like values.

Removed Page fields from list of available fields when populating from the Entry object type.