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Log Update Item Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin.
  • Missing width/height values in images can produce notices
  • Slow loading times on mobile, if elementor is activated due to lazy loading
  • WooCommerce slider may appear empty even though categories are selected
  • WooCommerce slider does not consider child posts/variants in filtering for price ranges
  • Layers become invisible if duration of layer is 0
  • Carousel Stop on Click: Added new option, by default carousel progress stops if user clicks on slider, this option lets you choose to continue auto rotate progress after user clicks on slider.
  • Importing a slider may create an additional empty slide
  • Opening modal with openModalAPI method fails with console error
  • Parallax jumps on iOS if URL field gets removed
  • Action triggered static layers ignore triggered frame call on last slide after slide swap
  • Before & After AddOn copy to clipboard after image is not working. Latest 3.0.6 version of Before & After AddOn required to fix issue
  • Glitch & noise effect does not fade out after fading once on 1st slide
  • Added new action to ask for permission to use gyroscope accelerator on iPhone devices if needed. Read more in FAQ
  • Added page scroll possibility for modals to use modals as adverts
  • Lottie Addon: Canvas renderer for lottie now has new maxdpr option to help with performance optimization
  • Elementor deprecation message _register_controls() shows up using the newest Elementor version
  • If video was muted initially then video auto-mutes after pausing and playing
  • Blurred elements in Safari under masks shows broken edges, rendering issues
  • CSS fixes (i.e. speak-as and willow filter)
  • WP_PLUGIN_URL creates JavaScript error if it has a newline added (\n\r)
  • Meta data current_slide_index displays incorrect slide number on first slide
  • Vimeo stream keeps pausing and playing
  • YouTube video is blurry if used with poster
  • Vimeo videos are limited to 20 videos
  • Opening specific modal slide with Panzoom effect fails
  • On mobile, layer with long text has padding on right until slider loads completely
  • Slider editor has issues if the WooCommerce Advanced Quantity plugin is enabled
  • Hosts that do not allow connection to external servers creating longer loading times
  • Unwanted categories are shown in meta tags added to layers
  • Deleting global layers fails with console errors
  • Static layers with percentage based width or height do generate unneeded padding on mobile views
  • Google page speed warns against using unload event listener
  • 6.5.17 regression: Slider with Advanced Transitions flashes after transition.
  • Added internal hook for manipulating layer positions and dimensions due to external addons
  • Changing slider dimensions is not possible if external url is empty
  • iOS Safari 15 crashes if slider has too many slides
  • YouTube video mutes again after seeking/scrubbing video
  • Charts Addon: Chart renders smaller on Safari because of browser specific bug
  • Charts Addon: Chart values are offset from position due browser specific bug
  • Panorama Addon: Poles have artifacts if image loads slow on slow
  • Changed notice containers in the WordPress plugin page for a better user experience
  • Editor does not render advanced opacity on layers
  • Force overflow causes layers to be hidden on mobile and to be visible on Android Chrome
  • Third party object extensions may kill the initialisation process of Slider Revolution in preview mode
  • Mobile height change is not respected when URL bar height changes on mobile devices
  • Opening a WordPress media modal fails because the editor script overwrites the _ variable
  • Notice occurs in post based sliders, as $attr1 is undefined
  • Advanced transitions fail on websites using subdomain as CDN
  • Gutenberg block preview not available
  • Gutenberg editor glitches on mouse enter and hover
  • Gutenberg template not updating after disabling blank page
  • Slider Revolution settings on WordPress pages are stuck on the top
  • Bottom margin issues on fixed slider scroll processes where the Slider is higher than the page
  • Exporting modules with advanced transitions ignore the predefined values
  • Sometimes glitches occur in the media library after triggering dropdowns in module editor
  • Carousel height jumps when a slide comes in focus after latest update 6.5.14 and 6.5.13
  • Console logs and errors are visible in some rare cases
  • Animation issues on menu in some older templates
  • JS error in some rare cases due to a conflict between underscore.js and some editor scripts by overwriting the global _ variable