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Log Update Item WPForms GetResponse Addon
This page only show history update item WPForms GetResponse Addon.


- Support for PHP 5.5 has been discontinued. If you are running PHP 5.5, you MUST upgrade PHP before installing the new WPForms GetResponse and WPForms 1.7.3 (that the addon is relying on). Failure to do that will disable the WPForms GetResponse plugin.

- Support for WordPress 5.1 has been discontinued. If you are running WordPress 5.1, you MUST upgrade WordPress before installing the new WPForms GetResponse. Failure to do that will disable the new WPForms GetResponse functionality.

### Added

- Compatibility with WPForms 1.6.8 and the updated Form Builder.

### Changed

- Minimum WPForms version supported is 1.7.3.

### Fixed

- Compatibility with WordPress Multisite installations.

- Properly handle the situation when trying to change the template for the same form multiple times.

- Send to GetResponse form submission data even when the "Entry storage" option is disabled in the Form Builder.