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Log Update Item WPForms Custom Captcha Addon
This page only show history update item WPForms Custom Captcha Addon.

### Added

- Compatibility with the upcoming WPForms 1.8.1.

### Fixed

- Improved compatibility with Elementor popups v3.9+.

## Added

- Custom Captcha's "Math" type is now supported and works properly inside Elementor popups.

### Changed

- Minimum WPForms version is now 1.7.5.

## Fixed

- Empty questions and answers had incorrect validation.

## Changed

- Do not add a second question with an empty question and answer values that were added by default.

- Empty questions are now removed from the list on form save.

## Fixed

- Implemented various fixes to prevent questions with an empty question or answer values from being saved or displayed.

### Added

- Compatibility with WPForms 1.7.1 and displaying the field on Entry Edit page.

- Compatibility with WPForms 1.7.3 and Form Revisions.

## Changed

- Prevent saving empty values for "Question and Answer" Captcha fields.