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Log Update Item SUMO WooCommerce Payment Plans - Deposits, Down Payments, Installments, Variable Payments etc
This page only show history update item SUMO WooCommerce Payment Plans - Deposits, Down Payments, Installments, Variable Payments etc.

Tweak: Code Improvements

Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 6.5.1

Tweak: Tested with WordPress 6.0

Tweak: Show all gateways instead on active gateways in Disable payment gateways option

Tweak: Improvements in SUMO Payment Plans - Stripe payment gateway(for old orders placed using the gateway) Tweak: Tested with WooCommerce 6.4.1

Tweak: Tested with WordPress 5.9.3

Fix: Reminder emails not being sent in Payment Awaiting Cancel status