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Log Update Item PublishPress - Content Checklist
This page only show history update item PublishPress - Content Checklist.

* Fixed: Missing checklists settings menu in PHP 8.0 and Multisite, #387

* Fixed: Settings footer breaks for language other than English, #388

* Fixed: Missing translation for Min and Max, #389

* Added: Include new Free / Pro library, #377

* Fixed: Issue with Yoast SEO and post_content, #391

* Fixed: Clicking the Preview button will trigger the publishing pop-up, #378

* Fixed: Extra calls slowing down website, #385

* Fixed: Warning: Undefined array key "page", caused by "helper_settings_validate_and_save" function, #369

* Update: Most important buttons should be yellow only, #382

* Fixed: Issue with PHP 5.6, #386

* Fixed: Fix incorrect text in settings, #344;

* Fixed: Allow links with # as valid URL check, #352;

* Fixed: Hide task not supported for post type, #199;

* Fixed: Fix bad footer image URL on Windows for the Pro plugin, #342;

* Fixed: Only load the checklists and resources in relevant pages, #129;

* Fixed: Fix method call is provided 2 parameters, but the method signature uses 1 parameters error, #179;

* Updated: Spanish and Italian translations, #348;

* Added: Added capability "manage_checklists" to access Checklists screen, #173;

* Fixed: Fix tabs layout in the settings page, #317;

* Removed: Remove the icon from the admin heading;

* Fixed: Updated the Reviews library, fixing compatibility with our other plugins;

* Fixed: Add capability check before saving global checklists options (we already had a nonce check in place), #325;

* Fixed: Improved output escaping in the admin interface, #326;

* Fixed: Improved input sanitization, #324;

* Fixed: Fixed duplicated admin menu on PHP 8, #316;