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Log Update Item WeePie Cookie Allow - Complete GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress
This page only show history update item WeePie Cookie Allow - Complete GDPR Cookie Consent Solution for WordPress.

fix: compatibility error with MaxMind GeoIP2 library in WordFence

fix: Avada theme compatibility where the wrapper HTML was not loaded

fix: revert last change in the regex pattern for inline JavaScript

fix: changelog url in admin settings not correct

new: possibility to show the closing (X) inside the bar/box

new: possibility to show the cookie settings pop-up trigger as hyperlink

new: possibility to show a configurable reconsider icon

new: configurable title attribute for the settings icon in the bar/box

fixed: CCPA logic not working with caching (bar/box/pop-up HTML now loaded client-side)

fixed: typo in consent log settings page

fixed: button CSS for the cookie category settings box

fixed: remove not working with caching warnings

fixed: name space ajax context for consent logging

fixed: inline JavaScript with HTML tags inside are not blocked

fixed: PHP warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach

fixed: saving cookie categories fails while consent has been given already

fixed: settings icon style field not being hided

added: JavaScript frontend custom event `wpca.popup:show`

added: JavaScript frontend custom event `wpca.popup:hide`