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Log Update Item JetWooBuilder For Elementor
This page only show history update item JetWooBuilder For Elementor.

* Added: Blocksy theme integration;

* Updated: Single Product widgets templates;

* Updated: Quantity input form;

* Updated: JetAdminBar 1.0.2;

* Tweak: Output on not found message in Products Grid/List widgets;

* Tweak: Cart table coupon form;

* Fixed: Cart tables width;

* Fixed: Custom query functionality without JetSmartFilters;

* Fixed: Columns for the carousel in the editor;

* Fixed: Elementor Motion Effect with archive card templates.

* Added: Alignment for Single Add to Cart Widget & hidden input styles;

* Tweak: Products Grid/List widgets button template Archive/Single Add to Cart widgets open popup after add to cart functionality;

* Tweak: Cart Totals & Table widgets;

* Tweak: Price styling;

* Tweak: Cart Cross Sell widgets styling controls;

* Fixed: Editor document type;

* Fixed: Product content template;

* Fixed: Grid styles.

* Added: Compatibility with Elementor Custom Breakpoint;

* Added: Link colors controls for Checkout Order Review widget cells;

* Added: Template layout applied in Elementor editor;

* Tweak: Checkout Additional Form widget label field handling;

* Tweak: Single Images widget thumbnail padding controls;

* Tweak: Cart Totals & Checkout order Review widgets border styles;

* Fixed: Variation select display in Safari browser.

* Fixed: Checkout field manager classes.

Fixed: Fixed: Product Grid/List Query conditions.

* Updated: Cross-sell query in Products Grid/List widgets in Cart template;

* Fixed: Default addresses in Checkout templates forms;

* Fixed: Archive Product image & title permalinks in JetEngine listing with WC Product Query;

* Fixed: Cart Totals Widget mobile heading styles;

* Fixed: Empty cart template container width.

* Added: Custom field functionality to Cart Table widget;

* Added: Fields manager for Checkout Billing & Shipping forms;

* Added: JetAdminBar module;

* Updated: Billing & Shipping forms widgets templates;

* Updated: JetElementorExtension module to 1.0.5;

* Fixed: Grid widgets breakpoints styles;

* Fixed: Cart table template part;

* Fixed: Quick view popup closing after a product added to cart.

* Added: Stock Status order to Products Grid/List widgets;

* Added: Currency sign separate style controls in Checkout Order Review widget;

* Tweak: Products Grid widget sale badge styles;

* Tweak: Products Grid widget clickable item functionality;

* Fixed: WooCommerce default product sorting after template switching;

* Fixed: Dynamic tags bg for builder pages;

* Fixed: Single Tab widget hover & active colors;

* Fixed: Default thank you page template functionality;

* Fixed: `the_content()` not found when product edited with elementor;

* Fixed: Single Add to Cart widget quantity input positioning.

* Added: Compatibility with JetEngine Query Builder query in Products List/Grid widgets;

* Added: Controls for templates layout;

* Added: Products List widget compatibility with `woocommerce_hide_out_of_stock_items` option;

* Added: Cells width controls for Single Attribute widget;

* Updated: Register widgets category;

* Updated: Theme integration styles;

* Updated: Optimize theme integration files;

* Updated: Refactor WooCommerce part templates code;

* Tweak: Single Product template type;

* Tweak: Layout switcher ajax request;

* Fixed: WooCommerce pages container styles;

* Fixed: Cart popup opening;

* Fixed: JetEngine dynamic tags for archive cards;

* Fixed: Archive Products widgets compatibility with listing grid that uses WC_Product_Query.