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Log Update Item Slick Menu - Responsive WordPress Vertical Menu
This page only show history update item Slick Menu - Responsive WordPress Vertical Menu.

- **new**: Added 2 Elementor Widgets (Slick Menu Trigger Button & Icon) You can insert them anywhere and trigger any active Slick Menu

- **update**: Freemius SDK Update

- **fix**: Fixed SCSS compilation issue conflict Picostrap plugin and Slick Menu

- **update**: Freemius SDK Update

- **fix**: Freemius Security Fix

- **update**: XT Framework update

Fix WPML language switcher issue, not redirecting to the corresponding page. Since the menu is cached, the language URL will be the same on any loaded page. To fix this, we added a JavaScript code that will automatically correct the URL on mouseover.

**support**: Added better support for Loco Translate