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Log Update Item Ultimate Addons for Elementor
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- Compatibility with Elementor Pro version 3.6

- Fix: Display Conditions - ACF field conditions not working.

- Fix: Woo - Checkout - Shipping method not updating when zip code is changed.

- Fix: Before After Slider - Before After labels are shown even if they are empty.

- Fix: Display Conditions - ACF boolean field not working.

- Fix: Navigation Menu - Double hamburger icon and menu appear when Elementor's sticky feature is enabled.

- Fix: Posts - 'uael_posts_filterable_tabs' filter hook not working for creative feed skin.

- Fix: Posts - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.

- Fix: Posts - PHP fatal error while using pagination in some cases.

- Fix: Table - Table width is not 100% when using the 2022 theme.

- Fix: Video Gallery - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.

- Fix: Video Gallery - Extra text appears on filterable tabs when viewing on responsive mode.

- Fix: Woo - Category - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.

- Fix: Woo - Product - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.

- Improvement: Twitter Feed - Renamed Sort By option labels and changed the date format.

- Fix: Instagram Feed - Fixed PHP Parse error when using the widget.

- New: Instagram Feed - Introducing a widget to showcase your Instagram photos.

- New: Twitter Feed - Introducing a widget to showcase your Twitter tweets.

- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added dynamic tag support to the Custom ID field of display modal on.

- Improvement: Posts - Added Article Schema Support.

- Improvement: Posts - Added option to select pagination type.

- Improvement: Settings Page - New grid design for widget list with filterable tabs.

- Improvement: Woo - Products - Added product categories as a class in product list HTML.

- Fix: Content Toggle -  Switch button "Round 2" style not working.

- Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Close icon position misplacement when field errors appear.

- Fix: Image Gallery - Extra text appears on filterable tabs when viewing on responsive mode.

- Fix: Image Gallery - Last image overlaps on the first image when the last row is hidden in the justified layout.

- Fix: Image Gallery - Carousel dots and arrows get black background when using the 2021 theme.

- Fix: Image Gallery - Extra space on the left of the carousel dots.

- Fix: Navigation Menu - When opening a sub-menu by pressing the ctrl/cmd + click, then the adjacent sub-menus does not open.

- Fix: Posts - Console error when widget with different skins used multiple times on the same page.

- Fix: Posts - Extra space on the left of the Filterable Tabs.

- Fix: Table - Cell background color not working in responsive mode.

- Fix: Table - Columns do not appear if the headings have the same content.

- Fix: Table - Cell CSS ID and CSS Class not applying.

- Fix: Woo Categories –  Carousel layout breaks when the "Categories to show" option is set to 3.

- Improvement: Posts - Improved ARIA attribute accessibility of categories in taxonomy badge.

- Fix: Display Conditions - Updated document link on integrations setting page.

- Improvement: Added compatibility to Elementor core version 3.5.0. Elementor has hard deprecated few functions with its v3.5.0. Following Elementor, our plugin too deprecates similar functions. Now to work with UAE, Elementor minimum version 3.1.0 or higher will be required.

- Fix: Woo - Checkout - Fixed section text color not applying in the editor.

- Fix: PHP warning of undefined array key on responsive controls in all widgets.

- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added Geo-location support.

- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added ACF field support.

- Improvement: Posts - Added WPML support for `'All' Tab Label` field in Filterable tabs

- Improvement: Price Box - Position option for original price.

- Improvement: Price Box - Tooltip option for original price.

- Improvement: Price Box - Bottom spacing for original price.

- Improvement: Price Box - Border style to heading box.

- Improvement: Price Box - Background color, Padding and Top Spacing options for duration field.

- Improvement: Price Box - Size option for features list icon.

- Improvement: Price Box - Border style and bottom spacing for content.

- Improvement: Table - Sticky option for heading row.

- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added Video Schema Support.

- Improvement: Woo - Category - Option to hide category product count.

- Improvement: Woo - Category - Option to make category title and product count block below image.

- Improvement: Woo - Category - Display inline category title and product count.

- Improvement: Woo - Category - Added HTML tag support to a category title.

- Fix: Excluding deactivated widgets css logic not working properly on network site.

- Fix: Table - Table content cell text color not working.

- New: Introducing Party Propz extension for sections, columns, and widgets.

- New: Introducing Welcome Music widget to add background music to the page.

- Improvement: Added Christmas & Halloween shape dividers to Elementor Shape Divider.

- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added option to set cookies on close popup action.

- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Christmas effect.

- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Halloween effect.

- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Snowflakes effect.

- Improvement: Table – Added responsive support.

- Fix: Login Form - Removed custom field label wrapper when content is empty.

- Fix: Posts - Fixed columns issue if advanced custom breakpoint setting is active.

- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed columns issue if advanced custom breakpoint setting is active.

- New: Countdown Timer - Added preset designs.

- New: Fancy Heading - Added preset designs.

- New: Marketing Button - Added preset designs.

- New: Social Share - Added preset designs.

- New: Timeline - Added preset designs.

- New: User Registration Form - Added preset designs.

- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added new/returning visitor type option based on cookies.

- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added advanced date support.

- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added an option to convert the last menu item into the CTA button.

- Improvement: Table - Added CSS ID & CSS Class options for table cells.

- Improvement: User Registration Form - Added icon support to form fields.

- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added 'uael_multistep_checkout_hide_shipping_step' filter to exclude the shipping step from multi-step form.

- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added new progress bar styles to multi-step form.

- Fix: Gravity Forms Styler - Added an option "Support to Gravity Forms CSS Ready Classes" to fix the fields spacing issue.

- Fix: Info Box - CTA icon not displaying in the editor.

- Fix: Marketing Button - Hover animation options are not adequately visible.

- Fix: Marketing Button - Button content alignment issue when icon alignment is set to right.

- Fix: Price Box - Margin right applied to the Features section.

- Fix: User Registration Form - Changed Phone field type to "tel" to fix the Theme CSS not applying issue.

- Fix: Video - Lightbox is not working with the Vimeo video type.

- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed console error when the responsive value of the "Product to show" option is empty.

- Fix: Woo - Products - Fixed grid layout column issue.

- Improvement: Elementor 3.3 compatibility.

- Improvement: Info Box - Added support to custom link attributes.

- Improvement: WordPress 5.8 compatibility.

- Fix: FAQ Schema - Separator border applying to the whole box.

- Fix: Navigation Menu - Fixed console error due to same page anchor links.

- Fix: Navigation Menu - Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array from menu-walker.

- Fix: Posts - Imagesloaded library not working due to jQuery loading issue.