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Log Update Item Pearl - Multipurpose & Corporate Business WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Pearl - Multipurpose & Corporate Business WordPress Theme.

- **UPD:** WPBakery updated to 6.7.0

- **UPD:** Slider Revolution updated to 6.5.5

- **UPD:** Compatibility with WordPress 5.8

- **UPD:** STM Configurations plugin to 3.2.7

- **ADDED:** Max symbols field in Post Type Listing Settings to increase visible symbol amount in the sidebar

- **ADDED:** Column to change the transparency of Background color

- **FIXED:** WooCommerce My Account page styles

- **FIXED:** Displaying news title in a grid layout on News page

- **FIXED:** Partial displaying Demo import popup

- **FIXED:** Testimonials pagination in Psychologist layout

- **FIXED:** Minor style fixes in Digital Agency, Creative Agency Three, Business Three layouts

- **FIXED:** Header style fixes in Software layout

- **FIXED:** Testimonials carousel navigation dots and external symbols appearance in  Testimonial Styles 17, 22

- **FIXED:** Displaying undefined index notice in the address field in Factory demo

- **FIXED:** Social share LinkedIn share link is not working