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Log Update Item Schema Pro WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Schema Pro WordPress Plugin.

Fix: Schema fields not showing after saving in the page editor.

# Fix: ACF field value is not added properly on global settings.

# Fix: FAQ block schema is showing error issue on search page.

# Fix: Fixed license redirect URL is not working on the plugin activation form.

# Fix: Updated publisher and author URL field mapping in the review schema.

# New:`wp_schema_pro_exclude_logo_optimize` Filter to to disable default logo size changes.

# Fix: Skip Rendering Invalid Schema option not generating schema markup on page or post.

# Fix: The Brand field type warning issue in the Product item review type in the review schema

# Fix: Fixed author URl fetch issue in the Article schema.

# Fix: Fixed syntax issue inthe WPML config file.

Fix: Fixed image field markup issue in the Review schema.

Improvements: Compatibility with the latest Sonarlint PHP code standard.

Improvements: Added multiple fields option for job applicant Location Requirement.

Fix: Other custom field image map issue in the Review Schema.

Fix: Removed deprecated Professional Service business type from Local Business Schema.

Fix: Duplicate Breadcrumb schema visible with Yoast SEO pluign.

Fix: Woocommerce plugin conflict on the setup wizard.

Fix: Fixed array offset error on multisite websites.

Fix: Updated deprecated block category hook in schema blocks.