Total 17/12/2024 : We HAVE 10674 Items and more than 3409 happy members.
Log Update Item Dokan Pro WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Dokan Pro WordPress Plugin.

- **update:** [VendorVerification] Added vendor proof of residence upload feature

- **update:** [StoreReview] Added email notification for new store reviews

- **fix:** Fixed Availability Range of the bookable product can not be deleted when the product is checked to be Accommodation Booking type.

- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings and a fatal error while using the latest version of Elementor.

- **fix:** [Booking] Fixed Booking not visible in Day view of the calendar if site language is other than English

- **fix:** [Geolocation] The product location of the pending review products are automatically changed to same as store on publish has been fixed.

- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Vendor are being able to create variations even after restricting using subscription packs has been fixed now.

- **notice:** added survey notice for dokan pro

- **fix:** [PayPalMarketplace] Fixed invalid parameter value error while creating vendor subscription if price contain more that 2 digits after decimal points.

- **fix:** [SPMV] Fatal error under Single Product Multiple Vendor module while trying to clone auction product

- **fix:** Fixed some translation issue under Vendor Subscription, Vendor Verification, Paypal Marketplace, Mangopay, RazorPay, and Product Advertising module

- **fix:** [OrderMinMax] Fixed a warning after clicking Order Again on a completed order

- **fix:** [Product Addons] Completion of successful add-on creation alert message has wrong css class

- **fix:** Fixed adding two products from different vendors and one of them is virtual, will receive a warning error on the cart page.

- **fix:** JS console error while loading product category & product add new pages has been fixed

- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Update seller enable for receive payment status if not already updated due to failed web hook event

- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Remove validation if no subscription is active under vendor registration form

- **fix:** [StoreSupport] fixed get support popup not working properly in single product page if only Store Support module is activated

- **fix:** [RMA] Send refund button is not working under RMA refund request screen

- **fix:** [Stripe] 'Your card number is incomplete' issue on checkout pay order page

- **fix:** [Booking/Auction] Fixed product geolocation is not working for Booking and Auction Products

- **fix:** Fixed follow button not working under 'My Account' > 'Vendors' section

- **update:** Set delivery time week start date similar to WordPress week start settings

- **update:** [MangoPay] Applied some logic to restrict unnecessary implementations for MangoPay

- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Restart Payment flow in case of funding source error on PayPal ie: user doesn’t have enough balance

- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Display user friendly error messages instead of generic message

- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Set Shipping and Tax fee recipient to seller despite of admin settings, previously it was displaying error on checkout page if shipping fee recipient was set to admin

- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added purchasing capability for not logged in user

- **update:** Stop loading unnecessary style and script files on every page #1628

- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added localization support for date time picker library #1783

- **fix:** vendor info was set to null if vendor haven’t assigned to any store category

- **fix:** Dokan was creating unnecessary rows in the termmeta table, now has been fixed #1796

- **fix:** fixed fatal error while checking dokan_is_store_open(), if admin didn't run dokan migrator

- **fix:** fixed fatal error on dokan migrator

- **fix:** [EU Compliance Fields] Fixed a fatal error while saving Germanized trusted product variation fields data

- **fix:** [EU Compliance Fields] fatal error on wcpdf invoice integration on php version 8.0+

- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed a warning due to compatibility issue with latest version of Store Support Module

- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed social profile Elementor icon widget wasn’t working properly due to conflict with latest version of font awesome library #1793

- **fix:** [StoreReviewe] fixed a fatal error while clicking Sell This Item from spmv module

- **fix:** [Dokan Stripe] Fixed gateway fee was returning 0 in case of several partial refunds requested for same order #1678

- **fix:** [Product Enquiry] Fixed loading icon always displaying after product enquiry email is sent #1797

- **new:** [SPMV] Added product search feature under Add New Product  page if Single Product Multi Vendor module is enabled. #1576

- **update:** Added seller verification badge under Store listing page, single store page,  and single product page #1708

- **update:** Option to close progress bar if profile completeness score is 100% #1726

- **update:** [EU Compliance Fields] Added EU Compliance Customer Fields in Order details Billing and Billing section of Customer profile #1724

- **update:**  Module page design updates #1754

- **fix:** [StoreSupport] Activating Store Support from Modules has no reflection on the single store page unless vendor update their settings #1702

- **fix:** Tools - Page Installation Pages button does not work appropriately #1719

- **fix:**  Hide add new coupon button from coupon create page #1720

- **fix:** Shipping continent is not being shown under the shipping tab on the single product page. #1721

- **fix:** [Booking] Disable shipping option when virtual is enabled for bookable products #1722

- **fix:** [Booking] Resource available quantity field is empty #1723

- **fix:** Added Dokan Upgrader to delivery time schema updates #1770

- **fix:** Styles are not being saved If the announcement is drafted or edited after scheduled #1771

- **fix:** [Booking] Showing an extra comma in the Booking resource's Parent products when a connected product is deleted. #1772

- **fix:** Multiple store open close time wasn't working for Store Open/Close time Widget

- **fix:** [Elementor] Single Store Page template was missing from Elementor template selection dropdown

- **fix:** [Elementor] Product Widgets disappeared from Elementor single Product Page template edit panel

- **fix:** SEO section is not appearing while the latest Yoast SEO plugin (17.8) is installed and activated #1658

- **fix:** Refund not working if order has sub order #1656

 **new:** [Vendor Verification] No email sent to vendors after vendor verification status has been changed #1569

- **new:** Added date filter on Dokan —> Reports —> Logs page #1397

- **update:** [Geolocation] Reset Geolocation fields data after user clears that fields in WooCommerce shop page #1574

- **update:** [Vendor Verification] added four new action hooks after verification submit button in vendor dashboard (dokan_before_id_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_phone_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_address_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_company_verification_submit_button) #1572

- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Added trial text after trial value on vendor subscription list page #1571

- **update:** [Auction] some sanitization issue fixed for auction module #1496

- **update:** Now Export button will export all logs based on applied filters #1397

- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Added missing param on woocommerce_admin_order_item_headers hooks #1578

- **fix:** Product variation image upload button wasn’t working due to js error #1575

- **fix:** [Geolocation] Geolocation fields asking for user address each time user visit shop page #1574

- **fix:** Fixed WC mail template overwrite wasn’t working #1567

- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] fixed Vendor Subscription category limitation doesn't work in the quick edit panel.

- **fix:** Vendor Dashboard created coupon expired date doesn't work correctly #1560

- **fix:** [Import/Export] Fixed importing products does not get the store geolocation data #1475

- **fix:**  'Connect With Wirecard' button in vendor payment settings page was hidden, now it is shown #1526