Total 01/04/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3524 happy members.
Log Update Item PowerPack for Elementor
This page only show history update item PowerPack for Elementor.

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added fade effect

* Enhancement: Team Member Carousel - Added Links Target option

* Fixed: Woo Add to Cart - Issue with quantity selector when widget is used more than twice on the same page

* Fixed: Table of Contents - List active class was not working

* Fixed: Info Grid & Carousel - Equal Height Boxes option was not working

* Fixed: Custom Cursor - Cursor was not showing with default settings

* Fixed: Advanced Menu - Issue with z-index

* Enhancement: Performance improvements

* Enhancement: Login Form - Added Password Visibility Toggle option

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to change Out of Stock text

* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added hover color options

* Enhancement: Woo My Account - Added Table margin and row border options

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added dynamic tags support to Fallback Image option

* Enhancement: Counter - Added text stroke to number

* Enhancement: Counter - Added text stroke to title

* Enhancement: Counter - Added text stroke to sub title

* Enhancement: Counter - Added text shadow to number

* Enhancement: Counter - Added text shadow to title

* Enhancement: Counter - Added text shadow to sub title

* Enhancement: Divider - Added text stroke to text

* Enhancement: Magic Wand - Added support for containers

* Fixed: Woo Products - Image was not clickable in Skin 5

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Slides to Scroll option was not working

* Fixed: Info Box Carousel - Fade effect slides overlapping issue

* Fixed: Image Gallery - Minor image height issue in Justified layout

* Fixed: Woo Add to Cart - Issue with modal popup

* Fixed: Gravity Forms - Use Ajax was not working

* Fixed: Header Footer Builder - JS issue with sticky header

* Fixed: Display Conditions - ACF true false condition for ACF user field

* Enhancement: Custom Cursor - Added options to change left and top offset of cursor

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to apply border radius to products

* Fixed: Login Form - Styling was not applying to password reset form

* Fixed: Tooltips - Tooltips were not working on frontend in some cases

* Fixed: Devices - Play/Pause icon render issue

* Fixed: Image Gallery - Layout render issue with load more button in justified layout

* Enhancement: Author List - Added Link To option to add link to author website or author posts page

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added pp_woo_products_category filter hook

* Enhancement: Gravity Forms - Added pp_gf_shortcode_atts filter hook

* Enhancement: Enabled auto updates feature

* Fixed: Woo Categories - Grid layout was breaking

* Fixed: Registration Form - Input Size option was not working for password field

* Fixed: Advanced Accordion - Box shadow was not working for item set as active by default

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Post terms position in Overlap skin

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added advanced styling options for Quick View popup

* Fixed: Copy and paste styling of element prevents the page from saving after Elementor 3.7.0

* Fixed: Icon List - Icon Vertical Alignment was not working when link is added

* Fixed: Advanced Menu - Animation options were not working

* Fixed: Advanced Menu - Minor CSS issue with Align option

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Minor CSS issue with box border radius

* Enhancement: Advanced Menu - Added divider option

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added Query ID option

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to change Add to Cart button text

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added Image Box Shadow option

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added default classes to post container

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added post container style controls for Saved Template skin

* Enhancement: Added EM unit to Border radius controls in all widgets

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added ppe_posts_filter_active filter hook

* Fixed: Instagram Feed - Removed the option "Likes" as Instagram Basic Display API does not support it

* Fixed: Instagram Feed - Removed the option "Comments" as Instagram Basic Display API does not support it

* Fixed: Instagram Feed - Removed the option "Feed by Hashtag" as Instagram Basic Display API does not support it

* Fixed: Icon List - Spacing issue with RTL layout

* Fixed: Woo Checkout - Stack On option was not working

* Fixed: Woo Checkout - Sections border type none was not working

* Fixed: PowerPack template library was not working with Elementor 3.7.0

Fixed: Woo Products - Fixed: Layout was breaking after last update