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Log Update Item Convert Pro
This page only show history update item Convert Pro.

- Improvement: Added compatibility with PHP Version 8.1.

- Improvement: Added an action hook on successful form submission.

<p>- Improvement: Added WPML integration using wpml-config.xml file.</p><p>- Fix: Rollback popup displayed on WP Forms page.</p><p>- Fix: Fatal error Class WP_Block_Parser not found.</p><p>- Fix: Not able to resize the image more than 700px in customizer.</p><p>- Fix: Select dropdown content not showing properly.</p><p>- Fix: Rollback button UI.</p>

New: Added Rollback version functionality.

- Fix: Elements gets deleted in the customizer via DELETE/BACKSPACE keys.

- Improvement: WordPress 5.8 Compatibility - Not able to delete Elements using keys.

- Improvement: Reset form data when button action set to "Submit and Go To URL".