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Log Update Item MainWP Boilerplate Extension
This page only show history update item MainWP Boilerplate Extension.

* Fixed: Token deletion process

* Fixed: Boilerplate deletion process

* Added: Tooltips to all settings fields

* Added: Info messages to each extension page

* Added: Create New Token button to the Site Edit page

* Added: Extension CSS file

* Added: Dedicated tab parameter for each extension tab

* Added: Insert tokens menu button to the tinyMCE editor

* Added: Help Sidebar content

* Updated: Renamed main menu items

* Updated: Changed the extension page navigation menu items order

* Updated: Moved the Save Token button to left side in the New Token modal

* Updated: Updated confirmation modal when deleting a token

* Updated: Added accordion functionality to the post options

* Updated: Applied Semantic UI table design to the inset tokens section

* Updated: Replaced confirm() method with a custom MainWP confirmation modal

* Updated: Reworded error messages

* Removed: Unused code