* Added - Compatibility with WP 6.1 and Elementor 3.8
* Added - Missing sanitization checks for theme color admin settings
Added - New Marquee Text widget with plenty of customization options
Added - New Animated Text widget with 18 text animations
* Fixed - Elementor editor would not load on certain sites when plugin is activated
* Fixed - JS errors seen in console when Elementor 3.7 is loaded on the site
Added - Documentation for several important functions part of the plugin
* Added - Documentation for Posts Slider, Posts Multislider and Posts Gridbox Slider
* Added - Code documentation for widgets
* Fixed - Elementor dropdown menu displaying incorrectly when Livemesh Addons is activated
* Update - Compatibility with Elementor 3.7
Fixed - Deprecated warning in Elementor 3.6
Updated - Freemius SDK 2.4.3 security update
Fixed - Duplicate CSS entries in the minified CSS files due to a dev build configuration issue.