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Log Update Item WooCommerce Order Barcodes
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Order Barcodes.

Add - Declared High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) compatibility.

Fix   - Add WCC Box Office compatibility for displaying a ticket barcode.

* Tweak - Custom Order Tables (COT) compatibility.

* Fix   - Exclude unnecessary files from plugin zip file.

* Add   - Add bulk generate barcode tools for the order before the plugin being installed.

* Tweak - Transition version numbering to WordPress versioning.

* Tweak - WC 6.7.0 and WP 6.0.1 compatibility.

Fix   - Plugin cannot read numerical barcode.

* Tweak - Remove barcode field in checkout flow, instead create barcode once order created.

* Tweak - Add barcode URL in REST API order creation response.

* Tweak - Display barcode on the edit order page as PNG, instead of HTML. Fixes FireFox display issue.