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Log Update Item AnyWhere Elementor Pro
This page only show history update item AnyWhere Elementor Pro.

* Fixed: Issue on some site with AE shortcode using quotes to wrap id param. 

* Fixed: Conflict with Copy Paste style functionality of Elementor. 

* Enhancement : Added  Dynamic Bg, Link, Rule, Slider support for Elementor’s FlexBox Container

* Enhancement: Added support for Top offset (Pagination) in AE Post Blocks Advance on Ajax for responsive devices

* Fix: Issue in Portfolio widget, filters not rendering properly on Ajax

* Fix: Issue in Taxonomy Blocks widget when two or more Post type assign to same taxonomy

* Fix: Issue in ACF Repeater widget, tabs not working properly on Ajax and responsive devices

* New : Import/Export Templates

* Enhancement : ACF-Group Field, ACF-Repeater Field and Option Page support added in Dynamic Rule 

* Enhancement : Additional Breakpoint Support for Carousel Skin in multiple widgets

* Enhancement : ACF-Flexible Content added to Dynamic Tags

* Enhancement : AE-Dynamic Map Cluster and Marker animation added

* Enhancement : DB Query Optimisation

* Tweak : AE-Post Image custom width option added

* Enhancement : Added Query Filter option for Term Post Loop skin in Taxonomy Blocks widget.

* Fix : Issue with Dynamic Tag Product Image.

* Fix : Issue with Taxonomy Block when used non archive and post type archive pages.

* Fix : Issue with Dynamic Background Slider when used with Post Blocks - Carousel(Loop).

* Fix : Added compatibility to show all AE templates in AEPro Widgets when used with Polylang.

* New : Enhanced Map Widget which support Google Maps by using ACF Map Field and native custom fields.

* Enhancement : Added filter for multiple block layout templates conditionally on Post Blocks Advance widget.

* Enhancement : Added control for WP Query option ‘Ignore Sticky Posts’ in Post blocks Advance widget.

* Fix : Compatibility with latest Elementor Release

* Enhancement : Added Fallback image option to Dynamic Background Feature

* Enhancement : Added hook to control the visibility of AE-Template meta-boxes

* Enhancement : Added styling option for No Post Message in AE - Post Blocks Advance widget

* Enhancement : Added option to disable Image link in AE ACF Gallery widget

* Enhancement : Dynamic Rules feature enabled for widgets.

* Enhancement : Added more options to Taxonomy Query section in AE Taxonomy Blocks widget.

* Enhancement : Added Fallback option in AE ACF Field widget

* Enhancement : Added support for Search & Filter Pro in AE Post Blocks Advance widget

* Enhancement : Enabled rendering of AEPro > Dynamic Background in editor for Repeater and Flexible Layouts

* Fix         : Issue in AE Post Blocks Advance widget (Related Posts) when 2 or more Taxonomies selected as Related by.

* Fix         : Compatibility with latest Elementor Release

* Fix         : Security Issue

* Fix: Compatibility issue with WordPress 5.9

* Fix: ACF Shortcodes not working with ajax pagination in Post Blocks Advanced widget

* Enhancement : Added 'Hide Empty' option in Post blocks Adv for Taxonony Filter Bar.

* Enhancement : Updated Infinite Scroll Library.

* Fix         : Issue with FacetWP url prefix.

* Fix         : Ordering parameters in Post Block Advanced widget.

* And some other minor bug fixes.

* New   : Added support for Nested ACF Repeater fields

* Tweak : Dynamic Background Repeater Image now working in Editor Mode

* Tweak : Added compatibility for swiper js with Elementor 3.5

* Fix   : Post Block Checker Board Notice handled

* Fix   : Woo Description Resolve issue for Short Description

* Fix   : Resolved issue with using two or more gallery in swiper gallery inside post block loop

* Fix   : Accordion icons position breaking with Elementor 3.5

Few other code improvements

Fixed: Before Text not working in ACF Fields after recent release.