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Log Update Item WP Content Crawler - Get content from almost any site, automatically!
This page only show history update item WP Content Crawler - Get content from almost any site, automatically!.

16.1. v1.11.0 - 11 March 2021

  • Filters. With filters, you can do things conditionally, i.e. you can say “if this happens, then do this”, where the condition part is optional. The filters have 30 Condition Commands and 25 Action Commands. Via the filters’ Action Commands, these are possible:
    • Make a text uppercase, lowercase, title case, snake case, kebab case, camel case, studly case, slug, and make its first letter uppercase
    • Find and replace in a text, such as post title or product attribute value
    • Clear a text. For example, you can clear a tag’s text to remove it if a certain condition is met.
    • Limit the number of characters and words in a text or HTML code
    • Remove empty HTML elements in a text
    • Remove links targeting specific domains or not targeting specific domains in a text or element
    • Add something before or after a text
    • Remove an element from the source code retrieved from the target site
    • Clone an element
    • Calculate the numeric values. For example, you can change the price of a product depending on a condition.
    • Stop crawling a post and delete it from your site if a certain condition is met. For example, you delete the post if the post is not found in the target site when recrawling. Another example is to delete a post if the title or content has a specific word that you do not want in your site.
    • Set author of the post depending on a condition. For example, you can change the author of the post if the post has a specific category.
    • Set post statusAdd tagsAdd categories
    • Send email notifications. For example, if a condition is satisfied, you can change the post status to pending review and send an email notification to yourself so that you can review and publish it.
  • Import/export Cookies. You can copy the cookie header from the network tab of the developer tools of your browser and import it. See Importing all cookies for more information.
  • Post Status option contains all the post statuses registered to WordPress.
  • Options Box opens much faster
  • Error message displayed when a setting is not configured as expected now displays the path to to problematic setting so that you can understand which setting has to be fixed.
  • Test results of a setting that has a File Options Box should not modify the result if the options box does not have any options configured.
  • WooCommerce options are shown in multi-site installations as well
  • wpcc/post/source-code/after_retrieve action is not triggered when crawling a category page. Instead, wpcc/category/source-code/after_retrieve action is triggered.
  • Tested and works with WordPress 5.7, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0, 4.9, with PHP 8.0, 7.4, 7.3, 7.2, with Chrome, Firefox, Opera, with WooCommerce 5.1, 5.0, 4.9, 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.9, 3.8, 3.6, 3.3.
  • Minor fixes and improvements