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Log Update Item WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.

* Feature - New promotion tool "Cart Item Descriptions" to display public descriptions

* Feature - Option to prevent regular coupon use when product pricing rules apply

* Fix - Regular price not displayed when product is discounted

* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

* Fix - Performance issues related to missing cart item key in pricing test runs

* Fix - "Display regular price when discounting" affects default WooCommerce behaviour

* Fix - Promotion tools do not display safe HTML tags

* Fix - is_ajax() deprecated warning

* Tweak - Additional shop price caching layer for increased performance

* Tweak - Cart item handling performance improvements

* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

* Fix - Improved text value escaping in frontend

* Fix - Implemented WordPress nonce check during settings import

* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

* Fix - Security issue related to settings import/export functionality

* Fix - Issues when duplicating cart discount or checkout fee rules

* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

* Feature - New promotion tool "Product Banners"

* Fix - Potential incorrect display price for variable products with "any" attribute

* Fix - Potential infinite loop in maybe_refresh_prepared_cart_item_prices

* Fix - "Change display price" sometimes incorrectly affects prices in pricing table

* Fix - Frontend pricing rule validation allows empty product fields to go through

* Tweak - Just-in-time rendering of rule panels to improve usability, page load time

* Tweak - Volume pricing tables for individual variations are now loaded via Ajax

* Tweak - Option to always display quantity next to "Your Price"

* Tweak - Option to always display subtotal next to "Your Price"

* Tweak - Option to display "Your Price" in place of regular WooCommerce price

* Tweak - Position "Page content - After" no longer available for pricing table

* Tweak - Other minor bug fixes and improvements

* Dev - New function rp_wcdpd_get_cart_discount_rules_applied_to_order