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Log Update Item The Events Calendar Filter Bar Addon
This page only show history update item The Events Calendar Filter Bar Addon.

* Version - Filter Bar 5.4.3 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.10 and higher

* Tweak - PHP version compatibility bumped to PHP 7.4

* Tweak - Version Composer updated to 2

* Tweak - Version Node updated to 18.13.0

* Tweak - Version NPM update to 8.19.3

* Version - Filter Bar 5.4.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.0.0 and higher

* Language - 2 new strings added, 31 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Tweak - Files Removed: `src/views/filter-bar/filter-view-horizontal.php`, `src/views/filter-bar/filter-view-vertical.php`

* Tweak - Methods marked as deprecated: `Tribe__Events__Filterbar__View::enqueueStylesAndScripts`, `Tribe__Events__Filterbar__View::template_paths`, `Tribe__Events__Filterbar__View::displaySidebar`, `Tribe__Events__Filterbar__View::is_tribe_query`, `Tribe__Events__Filterbar__View::maybe_initialize_filters_for_query`,  `Tribe__Events__Filterbar__View::plugin_url`

* Tweak - Update the calendar print design. [TEC-4425]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 31 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 2 obsoleted.

* Tweak - Disable Divi jQuery Body on Single Events to prevent javascript errors. [FBAR-264]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 13 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Version - Filter Bar 5.3.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 5.15.0 and higher

* Feature - Add compatibility to the new TEC admin menu system. [ET-1335]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 25 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Fix - Don't urldecode the filter labels - it breaks special characters. [FBAR-238]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 1 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Version - Filter Bar 5.2.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 5.9.0 and higher

* Feature - Stop compiling CSS custom props and leave them exposed and accessible to the Customizer and third parties. [TEC-3011]

* Feature - Update hooked Customizer styles to account for surfaced CSS custom properties and for new TEC Customizer font controls. [TEC-3897]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 1 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

* Fix - Resolved issue where special characters of field values were not rendering appropriately. [FBAR-245]

* Fix - Ensure checkbox-based custom fields properly filter values when used as a multiselect. [FBAR-95]

* Language - 0 new strings added, 4 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted