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Log Update Item Newsmag - News Magazine Newspaper
This page only show history update item Newsmag - News Magazine Newspaper.

IMPORTANT: Security Update - Please update your theme to the latest version.

new: Wordpress latest version compatibility;

new: Embed Video shortcode;

new: Multiple taxonomies filter on blocks;

new: Option to limit TP backups;

improvement: Open posts in new tab on blocks;

improvement: We have updated the Google fonts list;

improvement: We’ve updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;

improvement: Open in general modal post content images without media link;

improvement: Option to us Google recaptcha global domain;

improvement: List Menu shortcode ;

fix: Security update;

fix: Footer Instagram with personal account;

fix: Self hosted video;

fix: Yoast analyzer;

fix: Removed wp_getimagesize() from header/footer logo;

fix: Other css fixes;

new: Option to set a loader image;

new: Added Twitch to Social Counter;

new: Mega Menu – Support for the Taxonomy term;

new: Option to hide Rows and Columns for the logged-in users or visitors;

misc: Added dynamic cpt class on modules;

misc: Custom label option is available also for CPT;

misc: Option to remove via from Twitter share url;

misc: Google Recaptcha will also apply to Comments;

misc: Set video thumbnail as Featured Image on CPT;

misc: Option in Theme Panel to enable/disable for AggregateRating Schema;

misc: Get image from external URL on Single Background Image shortcode;

misc: Image position option for Single Background Image;

misc: Support for Vimeo unlisted videos;

misc: Added KakaoStory, Koo & GETTR share/icon and Strava social icon;

misc: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;

misc: We've updated the WP Bakery plugin to the latest version;

misc: Replaced attachment_url_to_postid() function with wp_getimagesize() one for logo sizes;

misc: Option to Enable/Disable the lightbox effect on the Gutenberg Gallery shortcode;

fix: Exchange API;

fix: Added option in Theme Panel for “nofollow” link on module thumbnail;

fix: Remove login modal html when registration is not needed;

fix: Reset for theme’s Gutenberg settings;

fix: Issue adding modal when custom url is set on image;

fix: Subcategories appear now on widgets filter;

fix: Tiktok on the Social Counter;

fix: MailerLite issue on tagDiv Newsletter plugin;

fix: Facebook login;

fix: Fixed a fatal error coming from Opt-In Builder;

fix: Disable Mobile Theme on an individual page with Child Theme active;

fix: Scroll on the mobile menu/mobile search click;

fix: Remove AMP when Mobile Theme is disabled on an individual page;

fix: Page templates settings on WordPress > 6.0;

fix: Admin URL exposed in source code;

fix: Ajax loop vulnerability;

new: WordPress 6.0 compatibility;

new: Added Facebook Login functionality;

new: Option to exclude posts from specific tag on blocks (-slug);

new: Captcha on comment submit;

new: Option to disable the sticky menu on the Mobile Theme;

new: Option to set the background color for mobile navigation toolbar from Theme Panel;

improvement: Added the WhatsApp social icon;

improvement:  Raw Html ACE editor;

improvement: Added show posts/comments options on Authors Box;

improvement: Video Popup Ad – Added do_shortcode() support;

improvement: Added home.php template on Mobile Theme - used by page_for_posts blog

improvement: We've updated the Revolution Slider plugin to the latest version;

improvement: 'Review' schema now works with points and percents;

improvement: Added nofollow option in Theme Panel for block thumbnail;

improvement: Added Subtitle, Source and Via on CPT Settings;

improvement: Exclude current post from blocks;

fix: Column Text and Text with Title issue on WordPress 6.0;

fix: MegaMenu with subcategories issue on WordPress 6.0;

fix: Don't download video thumb if featured image is set;

fix: Added some texts to Translations;

fix: Losing style on buddypress templates

fix: Fatal error on YouTube playlist;

fix: Menu/search gradient (opacity) issues on AMP;

fix: Fatal error in specific conditions;

fix: Pattern for the Category number in the widget;

fix: Comment moderation message on the Mobile Theme;

fix: Remove Login/Register HTML when the user is logged in;

fix: theme.json issue on Mobile Theme

fix: List Menu - The menu hover color option now also applies for the current menu element classes;

fix: Missing theme meta boxes (conflict with some plugins)

fix: Missing subcategories in widgets filter.