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Log Update Item WooCommerce WishLists
This page only show history update item WooCommerce WishLists.

* Update:  WC and WP Updates.

* Fix:  Fix issue where the wishlist button was not showing on the single product page for out of stock bundled products.

* Fix:  Fix issue with WooCommerce Blocks in the admin area.

    * Update: Correct spelling of filter, wc_wishlists_udpate_list_args

    * Update:  Added woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation before an item is added to the cart.

    * Update:  Added check for Google trying to follow the add to wishlist link.

    * Update:  If for some reason an invalid product ID is passed to the wishlist handler, it will now just ignore it.

    * Update:  Remove old WC extension update functions.

    * Fix: Send the product URL through the woocommerce_get_product_permalink filter in the view template.

* Fix: Check if the product is available before calling methods on it.  Fixes issues with Divi incorrectly causing WooCommerce actions to fire on non product pages.

* Update: If the filtered template hook is empty do not add the wishlist form.

* Update: Use $_REQUEST when editing the list for checking for the list id.

* Check product exists before attempting to call functions on it.

* Update:  WC and WP Updates.

* Fix:  Change the $.fn.modal to $.fn.wl_modal so it does not conflict with other jquery modal plugins.