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Log Update Item WooCommerce Smart Coupons
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Smart Coupons.

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.5.1

* New: Set id of the template coupon as post_parent of the auto-generated coupon

* New: A button just below the coupon code to copy it [admin]

* Fix: Re-validating quantity of products added from the Actions tab of coupons which is not correct

* Fix: Applying store credit multiple times when the order contains only virtual & downloadable products

* Fix: When number of coupons to generate & number of email address supplied is different, then incorrectly setting Allowed emails & also sending emails during Bulk generate & Import of coupons

* Update: Do not copy post_parent while duplicating a coupon

* Update: Added minified version of a CSS file 'smart-coupons-admin' [admin]

* Update: Corrected a few letter case, default data based on data type

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.4.1

* New: Filter coupon's list by coupon category under 'Marketing > Coupons'

* Fix: Store Credit is applying discount before tax, like a coupon, even when the setting 'Apply before tax' is disabled

* Fix: Preview in admin not showing coupon amount & expiry date under 'Marketing > Coupons > Send Store Credit' tab

* Fix: Unable to partially refund an order that is paid with store credit

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.4.0 & WordPress 5.9.3

* Fix: Use 'fwrite' instead of 'file_put_contents' [WP VIP team]

* Fix: Subscription renewals not issuing full priced store credit if other coupon is applied to subscription during purchase [WooCommerce Subscriptions]

* Update: POT file

* Fix: Email showing incorrect remaining balance if store credit is applied to a virtual-downloadable order

* Fix: PayPal Payments plugin sometimes rejecting applied store credit amount

* Developer: Filter Hook 'wc_sc_check_parent_attributes' for deciding whether to check attributes mentioned under 'Product data > Attributes (tab)' or not

* Update: Store credit not applying discount when applied via REST API during order creation

* Update: Product's attributes mentioned under 'Product data > Attributes (tab)' are not considered by coupon's Product attributes restrictions for validation of the coupon

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.3.1 & WordPress 5.9.2

* New: Feature 'Usage restriction based on product quantity'

* Update: POT file

* Developer: New filter hook 'wc_sc_pending_order_statuses' 

* Developer: Removed filter hook 'wc_sc_order_statuses_to_restore_smart_coupon_amount', should use 'wc_sc_pending_order_statuses' instead

* Update: Links to documentation, screenshots & reviews

* Update: Data type for $no_of_coupons_to_generate

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.2.1 & WordPress 5.9.1

* Fix: Coupon not applying to cart via URL coupon if the URL contains 'add-to-cart' and the setting 'Redirect to the cart ...' is enabled [Thanks to: Bernd VanSkiver]

* Fix: Using the email template created for multiple coupons even if it’s about to send just one coupon

* Developer: Hook 'wc_sc_order_statues_to_restore_smart_coupon_amount' for modifying list of order statuses needed to restore smart coupon amount

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WordPress 5.9.0

* Update: Action Scheduler to version 3.4.0

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.1.1

* New: Column 'sc_coupon_category' in sample.csv file

* Fix: Shipping validation failing on live shipping method

* Update: Improvement in coupon code generation logic

* Update: POT file

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.1.0 & WordPress 5.8.3

* New: Support for coupon categories under bulk generate, import & export

* Update: Coupon not applying to cart via URL coupon if the URL contains 'add-to-cart'

* Update: Prevent generating coupon codes with profanity

* Update: Replaced use of 'is_ajax' with 'wp_doing_ajax'

* Update: POT file