DNS Manager For WHMCS is a fully featured module that will allow you to provision DNS zones, empowering both you and your clients to manage zones and records right inside your WHMCS. Owing to a vast choice of submodules, including the widely known cPanel, Cloudflare and Plesk ones, it easily adapts to even the most specific of business requirements.
As an administrator, you will maintain complete control over all DNS aspects and access a broad selection of supervision instruments. You will be able to create assorted packages with different combinations of settings and limits that will help you tailor your offer dynamically to the evolving demands of your customers. At the same time, they will be allowed to add and remotely manage zones together with DNS and rDNS records - all that including bulk actions. For instance, not only will it be possible to create zones from ready-made sets of DNS records, your clients will be also welcome to freely formulate such sets applicable to the zones they own all by themselves!
By virtue of the option to enable DNSSEC validation on PowerDNS, PowerDNS V4, Cloudflare and DirectAdmin servers, DNS Manager For WHMCS will contribute markedly to the security and trustworthiness of your DNS infrastructure. The module will also perfect many everyday work routines: you will be able to create, import and migrate DNS zones, handle their backups, send emails to your staff and clients, display logs and monitor the status of each scheduled task. Among the additional advantages, you will no doubt appreciate the ones of connecting with the module through the API, and bolstering its performance with IP subnets management upon the integration with IP Manager For WHMCS.
DNS Manager For WHMCS is a complete state-of-the-art solution for every single provider of web hosting services across the globe. Order the module today and storm into a whole new dimension of flexibility in DNS supervision!
Admin Area
- Define DNS Servers
- Define Packages
- Create DNS Zones
- View And Edit Existing Zones
- Add And View DNS Slave Zones
- Lock/Unlock Zones From Edition By Clients
- Migrate Zones Between Chosen Servers
- Import Zones From Chosen Server
- Export Zone To TXT File In BIND Format
- Auto-Synchronize Zones And DNS Records Between Multiple Servers
- Manage Zones Backups
- View And Restore Deleted Zones
- Add And Manage rDNS PTR Records
- Define, Manage And Duplicate DNS Records Set
- Apply DNS Record Sets To Multiple Zones At Once
- Wipe Existing Zone Records Upon Applying DNS Records Set
- Set Up Automated Tasks And Execution Time
- Toggle Administrator Notifications And Choose Who Send Them To
- Modify Notifications Email Templates
- Allow Creation Of PTR Record Without DNS Zone
- Protect DNS Zones On Product Termination
- Manage Client Area Zones Features:
- Select Default Template
- Toggle DNS Management Link
- Choose Scope Of Zones Management:
- Allow DNS And rDNS Management
- Allow Only DNS Management
- Allow Only rDNS Management
- Allow Domain/Products/Addon/Other Items Zones With:
- Only That Domain
- Only That Product Domain
- Only Domains From Owned Domains Items
- Only Domains From Products Items
- Only Domains From Both Owned Domains And Product Items
- Any Custom Domain
- Exclude Used Domains From Zone Creation
- Allow Zones With Related Service IP Addresses Only
- Allow Zones With Custom Subnet IP Addresses
- Allow rDNS With Custom IP Address
- Allow DNS With Custom IP Address
- Allow Management Of DNS Record Sets
- Display Full DNS Record Names
- Allow Management Of Zones Backups
- Define Zones Backups Limit
- Define Time Interval To Refresh Slave Zones
- Choose Whether To Display Zone's Product Name
- Display Suggested Nameservers From Submodule
- Display DNS Manager Button In Services Sidebar Menus
- Define Zone Statuses Displayed In Client Area:
- SOA Warning
- Available Domain
- Active
- Pending
- Define Blocked DNS Strings With Regex Support
- Define Logs And Notifications Settings
- Define Which Zone Actions To Log:
- Create/Terminate Zone
- Add/Edit/Remove Record
- View Details And Notifications Related To Zones And Servers Load
- View Information About Automated Tasks
- View Scheduled Tasks Progress
- Display Usage Of DNS Servers
- View Email Notifications Statistics
- View Logs
Client Area
- View List Of Owned Packages
- View Domain Status
- Add And Manage New Zones Within Package Limit
- Add And View DNS Slave Zones
- Export DNS Zone To TXT File In BIND Format
- View Zones Limit Per Package
- Add And Manage Zones Records Within Records Limits
- View DNS Records Limits Per Zone
- Toggle DNSSEC For Zone
- View DNSSEC Details Of Zone
- Manage In Bulk:
- Add/Modify/Delete/List DNS Records
- Change DNS Record Sets
- Delete Zones
- Add And Manage rDNS PTR Records Without DNS Zone
- Add, Manage And Duplicate DNS Records Sets
- Create Zone From DNS Records Set
- Manage Zones Backups:
- Create Manual Backups
- View Automated Backups
- Restore Backups
- Preview Zones List In Created Backups
- Export To File
- Import From File
- View Bulk Management Tasks
- Provision Packages
- Migrate Zones
- Import Zones
- Clear Unused Zones
- Clear Logs
- Backup Zones
- Backup Deleted Zones
Server Settings
- Allow rDNS Records
- Enable DNSSEC
- Allow Multiple PTR Records
- Use Cache To Optimize Loading Time
- Overwrite SOA Record
- Populate Nameservers
- Define Nameservers
Package Settings
- Define Zones Limit Per Package
- Define Items (Products/Domains/Products Addons) Purchase Of Which Results In Receiving Package
- Define If Single Instance Of Package Should Be Assigned To Each Client
- Define Servers Used By Package
- Define Allowed Record Types
- Define Total Records Limit
- Define Record Limits Per Type
- Define Default TTL For Records
- Define Automation Settings For Creating First Zone
- Allow To Create DNS Slave Zones
- Assign Default DNS Records Set
- Allow Client To Create Zone Using Chosen DNS Records Sets
- Introduce DNS Management Functionality If Domain Registrar Does Not Support It By Default
- Toggle Client And Administrator Notifications
- Define Allowed/Blocked IP Addresses For Zones And DNS Records Creation
Supported DNS Servers
- 4PSA
- AtomiaDNS
- AWS Route 53
- BIND 9
- CentralNic Reseller (formerly RRPproxy)
- Cloudflare (DNSSEC Support)
- cPanel (DNSSEC Support)
- cPanel DNSOnly
- DigitalOcean
- DirectAdmin (DNSSEC Support)
- DNS Made Easy
- DNS Pod
- DNS.com
- DynECT
- EuroDNS
- Freenom
- Google Cloud DNS
- InterWorx
- Nettica
- Openprovider
- OpenSRS
- Plesk
- PowerDNS Hosted
- PowerDNS V4 (DNSSEC Support)
- Rackspace
- Rage4 DNS
- Simple DNS Plus
- Simple DNS Plus V8 And V9 (DNSSEC Support)
- Storm On Demand
- Zonomi
Supported DNS Record Types
- A
- DS
- MB
- MD
- MF
- MG
- MR
- MX
- NEC3
- NS
- RP
- X25
General Info
- Supports IDN Zones
- AJAX Loaded Pages In Admin Area
- Supports Template Customization
- Connect With DNS Manager Using Its API
- Integrated With IP Manager For WHMCS - Complete Control And Easy Assignment Of IP Subnets
- Fully Integrated With Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 8.2 Back To PHP 8.1
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six", "Twenty-One" And "Croster"
- Supports WHMCS V8.12 Back To WHMCS V8.9
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 Or Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
Released: Mar 13th, 2025- Eliminated "500" error that might occur when the "Overwrite SOE" option is enabled and the integrated DNS server does not return any SOA record - case #820
Released: Feb 28th, 2025- If multiple DNS servers are assigned but none is set to "Master", then an error notice will be shown when adding a DNS zone - case #814
- TXT records longer than 40 characters will no longer be split into multiple lines for the BIND 9 DNS server - case #808
- Added missing support for the CAA record type in the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #809
- Solved case where editing a DNS record set from the client area might not have worked properly and could redirect to the DNS zones section instead - case #818
Released: Feb 14th, 2025- Resolved problem where a zone removed by the cron cleaner was not stored in "Deleted Zones" - case #803
- Eliminated "relid_item_not_found" error that could be shown for zones marked as "Other" - case #806
- Fixed "DNS Zone could not be set" error that might occur when adding "@" as a DNS "A" record name for an OpenSRS server - case #810
- Adjusted validation for the "Address" field of "A" DNS records to allow using the "{$serverassignedipX}" merge field variable - case #805
- Solved problems with the "Overwrite SOA Record" and "Populate Nameservers" options that were not working properly when enabled - case #811
Released: Jan 22nd, 2025- WHMCS V8.12 support
- Deleted Zones tool, which keeps the history of removed zones and rDNS zones, e.g., after server termination, with the ability to restore them along with their assigned DNS and PTR records - case #780
- Create custom PTR records while adding rDNS zones from the admin area that are not assigned to any client - case #768
- Added support for new "addRecord", "editRecord" and "removeRecord" API methods - view Wiki article for more information about their usage - #774
- Improved loading time of the DNS zones list page in the client area - case #756
- Setting the zone limit to 0 will now completely hide all DNS zones from the client area, even if there are already created zones above that limit - case #744
- The "SOA" DNS record will now be skipped and can no longer be updated or removed when using "updateZone" API method due to numerous problems with its edition caused by assorted DNS servers - case #763
- Support for WHMCS V8.8 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.4 version
- Fixed "TypeError: array_merge(): Argument #2 must be of type array (...)" that could occur after recent module migration from 2.X version - case #727
- Solved problem with "Unexpected Error. Error Token" that could be shown when trying to perform test connection from OpenSRS DNS server - case #728
- Corrected misleading tooltip descriptions for "Send Only Notifications" options used for cleaner and synchronization cron job settings - case #730
- Eliminated "TypeError: json_decode()" that could be shown when trying to open DNSSEC configuration for Cloudflare DNS server - case #731
- Sorting the table, in the addon module DNS zones section, by client will no longer cause the "Column not found" SQL error - case #734
- Corrected setting proper "Serial" value based on the current date for SOA DNS records of PowerDNS V4 server - case #736
- Fixed the "you_cannot_edit_this_zone_because_it_is_not_belongs_to_you" error that might have occurred when trying to enable DNSSEC from the addon module - case #743
- Fixed default WHMCS "DNS Management" section that could stop working after removing support for the 2.X version of the addon module - case #745
- Specific corrections related to rDNS management when using DNSSEC functionality - case #742
- Assorted adjustments to rDNS records synchronization - case #741
- Cron cleaner will now attempt to terminate a zone first and then remove it instead of the other way around - case #753
- The ":count:" and ":zones:" variables will now be properly returned for cron cleaner result notifications - case #754
- Activating DNSSSEC for slave DNS servers should now work properly - case #757
- Solved problem with missing NS records in default DNS zone after ARPA zone creation - case #764
- Assorted corrections related to zones synchronization between master and slave DNS servers - case #769
- Corrected problem with invalid display of shortened "Target" CAA record value (Note: server API needs to be corrected to apply the fix) - case #772
- Eliminated "TypeError: (...)LogHelper::logNameTranslator():" that caused unexpected issues - case #776
- Resolved "Instance is not set" error that might have occurred when trying to add a DNS zone from the admin area along with related DNS record sets - case #779
- Solved problem with the backup creation task for clients without any DNS zones assigned - case #781
- Resolved problem with synchronization between slave and master server if one of the records was deleted and then re-added as another type under the same name - case #782
- Resolved issue where record types that reached their limit disappeared from the dropdown when the limit was set to 1 - case #750
- Resolved issue in the DNS Management function where TXT records with double quotes in their value were incorrectly displayed - case #799
- Adjusted sorting notifications table by date column
- Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments
Released: Sep 24th, 2024- Ability to add and manage clients' PTR rDNS records directly from the addon module's admin area - case #710
- Included clients' company names in various sections of the addon module - case #722
- Cleaner cron now retains finished tasks for 3 days instead of removing them after each run - case #711
- Assorted fixes and adjustments related to importing DNS zones with PTR records - case #721
- Added missing error status for specific cron zone import jobs that failed
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Sep 11th, 2024- WHMCS V8.11 support
- Support for PHP 8.2 version
- Implemented support for rDNS in Cloudflare server integration - case #673
- The "Scheduler" cron job no longer includes "linkedZonesFixer" and will process 1000 zones per run by default, unless specified differently by the "--limit" parameter - case #690
- Requires ionCube Loader V13 or later
- Resolved problem where cleaner cron was not removing zones associated with inactive domains having the expired status - case #688
- Addressed specific issue with updating zone status - case #564
- Fixed problem where loading the backup tasks list was taking too long, resulting in a "504 Gateway Time-out" error - case #691
- Optimized "JobCleaner" cron job to prevent tasks from getting stuck or taking excessive time to complete - case #698
- Solved issue where clients could duplicate the record sets that did not belong to them - case #562
- Corrected problem with the "getServerList" API request in the DNS Manager For WHMCS module version 3.4.X - case #700
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Jul 18th, 2024- It will now be possible to add a DNS zone for a domain that has already expired for another client - case #571
- Fixed integration with the SolusVM Extended VPS For WHMCS module, where the "Manage DNS" and "Manage Reverse DNS" buttons redirected to obsolete 2.x version of the addon module - case #202
- Corrected synchronization of the "Slaves IP List" for BIND 9 server integration when one of the server connections is not working properly - case #595
- Customized "TTL" setting of DNS records will now be set properly for the BIND 9 server integration - case #597
- Added missing validation of SFTP server connection test for BIND 9 integration - case #629
- Eliminated "Unable to find item with ID" error that might occur after upgrading the module to the latest version, where the given "server id" no longer existed - case #669
- Using the "*" asterisk character for the DNS record name will no longer cause a validation error - case #672
- Adjusted migration tool to efficiently handle the migration of a large number of zones from the module version 3.3.2 at once - case #666, #674
- Corrected "TXT" DNS record validation that could not be saved for specific names - case #676
- Fixed "Manually Increment SOA Serial" option for the PowerDNS V4 integration - case #630
- Adjusted setting up the module language based on the administrators' locale settings - case #677
- Solved case that might have caused the "Instance is not set" exception error when trying to edit package settings - case #679
- Canceled tasks will now be properly removed after 30 days by daily cron job - case #683
- Resolved problem with the "Class "ComposerAutoloadComposerStaticInite9fff6767fb8f5e869c7c144c4a16fc6" not found" error that might have occurred when using the module API
- Eliminated assorted errors that might have been displayed when running WHMCS daily cron job - case #678, #684
- Addressed other minor issues related to upgrading the module to the latest version
- Other code corrections and language adjustments
Released: Jun 26th, 2024- Migrated all remaining functionalities, including "Dashboard", "Cron Settings", "Migration", Import", "Export" and "Zone Backups" from version 2.X of the addon module
- Added "DS" and "HINFO" DNS record type support on cPanel servers
- Added "Export", "Import", "Migration" and "Scheduler" commands, along with the "--clean" option to the cron job
- Separated multiple other cron tasks into individual commands
- Adjusted validation for the "RDATA" field value of PTR/rDNS records
- Extended display of long RDATA values, such as for TXT records, to fully show in zone details without truncation
- Converted "Tag" field to a dropdown list with predefined options for "CAA" DNS record types
- Added additional hooks for "DNSManagerActivateZone", "DNSManagerTerminateZone", "DNSManagerAddRecordZone" and "DNSManagerEditRecordZone" actions - case #563
- Maintenance update and stability optimizations
- Support for the outdated 2.X version of the addon module - it is no longer required for module configuration or management and can be deactivated and removed after the module upgrade
- Support for WHMCS V8.7 and previous
- Fixed problem with setting up IP addresses as nameservers for PowerDNS servers
- Blocked ability to change DNS records for slave zones using mass actions on DNS record set
- Slave zones will no longer be incorrectly displayed as added if an error occurs during their creation
- Assorted UI adjustments related to Lagom WHMCS Client Theme support
- It will no longer be possible to create or edit DNS zones once their related server is disabled
- Updated "updateZone" cron job to accurately reflect errors and prevent incorrect success information - case #474
- Solved problems with listing DNS record sets based on specific settings - case #475
- Fixed case where enabling package registrars was not saved in V3 addon module - case #532
- Solved problem where cron synchronized only the first number of "Zones Per Execution" set for cron synchronization - case #550
- Changing server status directly from table toggles now works properly for non-English languages - case #634
- Added missing language entries for specific notifications and DNS zone modifications - case #611, #634
- Corrected problem with "Certdata" incorrect value validation for "TLSA" DNS record type - case #653
- Adjusted time of "Tasks" creation to properly reflect server time zone
- Corrected DNS zones table size in client area on Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
- Resolved specific problems with adding DNS records when using integration with Openprovider servers - case #610
- Optimized "Backup Schedule Cron" task to reduce execution time, when handling a large number of DNS zones - case #545
- Many other code corrections, validation, cron, UI, and language adjustments
Released: Dec 28th, 2023- WHMCS V8.9 support
- Added option to configure the "Timeout" setting for the PowerDNS V4 server
- Default DNS record set will be now properly selected when adding a new DNS zone - case #507
- Solved problem with disappearing tasks and errors during list fetching when importing zones - case #510
- Eliminated unresolved merge conflicts and duplicated lines in Google vendor files - case #509
- Resolved issue with duplicated zone names when both the "Zones Single Table View" and "Show Product Name" options were enabled - case #508
- Corrected invalid DNS zone domain URLs when using the "Zones Single Table View" option - case #519
- Adjusted display of related service IP addresses when adding a new DNS zone - case #528
- Eliminated "ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number" that could occur when the DNS Manager button was enabled and the IPv6 address with the mask was assigned to the service - case #526
- Updated composer dependencies that required PHP above the 8.0.2 version - case #530
- DNS "TXT" records above 250 characters will be now properly displayed from the cPanel server - case #520
- Corrected connection to CentralNic Reseller (formerly RRPproxy) server when using PHP 8.1 - case #517
- Other minor code corrections
Released: Nov 17th, 2023- WHMCS V8.8 support
- Use cron "TaskCleaner --clean" parameter to remove the already completed tasks - case #364
- Implemented language overrides support, enabling the utilization of customized translations
- Error logs for the cron migrator will now contain details about the action failure - case #437
- The extended information will be now displayed when the "Unable to find item with ID" error occurs - case #429
- Search for clients by their ID when adding a DNS zone from the admin area - case #498
- Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
- Solved problem where displaying the Add New DNS Zone window took too much time on WHMCS instances with a large client base - case #426
- Fixed problem with importing a list of DNS zones from DynECT server integration - case #428
- It is now possible to set package DNS records limits with zero ("0") and unlimited ("-1") values through the new addon module - case #430, #458
- Corrected test connection to OVH and cPanel servers - case #396, #487
- Adjusted notification sending for cron cleaner if fewer execution zones were processed daily than set in its settings - case #432
- Fixed problem where after deleting the slave DNS zone, the IP address of the primary nameserver was not removed form database - case #435
- Corrected certain problems with listing DNS zones from the Openprovider server - case #444
- Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur when using the "GetZone" API request with PHP 8.1 version - case #451
- Resolved problem with "Data can't be empty error" when adding a DNS zone to DigitalOcean server if no default IP address was provided - case #452
- Fixed "Duplicate entry" SQL error occurring when saving the package configuration with total records limit set to zero - case #457
- Solved specific issues with adding default PTR records for PowerDNS V4, AWS Route 53 and Storm On Demand servers - case #461
- Eliminated "TypeError" that could occur on the previous addon module when trying to access the settings - case #464
- Resolved case that could prevent creating a DNS zone with the provided IP address on the single table view in the client area - case #459
- Selecting the "other" group for the related item when adding a DNS zone should no longer cause "TypeError" for specified "Other Item Options" in the global settings - case #467
- Solved problem where IPv6 addresses assigned to the product were not displayed when trying to add a PTR record and a DNS zone - case #486
- The "SOA" records will now be correctly omitted when migrating a zone to the the new DNS server - case #483
- Migration DNS zone to the new server, where that zone already exists, will be now block to avoid conflicts - case #479
- Corrected relation fixing for "connected_with_relid" and "connected_with_type" fields when using the "linkedZonesFixer" cron command - case #241
- Other minor code corrections, language and UI adjustments
Released: Apr 13th, 2023- Support for creating slave zones that automatically synchronize with remote DNS master servers via the AXFR protocol - case #381
- Added support for the "DS" record type of the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #352
- Uppercase letters used in DNS zone names will be now automatically converted to lowercase
- Fixed problem with displaying the IP address field on the Add DNS Zone form when that is not required by the server - case #408
- Resolved fatal error when the assigned to the hosting IP addresses were separated with a comma instead of the newline character in the database - case #391
- Added missing text in the error notice which appears when the created SRV record type does not pass the validation - case #389
- Resolved "Unable to parse response" error that appeared when trying to create the TXT record type of the DNS Made Easy server - case #390
- Prevented "TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array" error that could occur when trying to edit packages via the V2 addon module - case #397
- Fixed conflict that could cause the cron job of the Domain Orders Extended for WHMCS module to break when using PHP 8.1 - case #400
- Adjusted validation of the allowed record types that could prevent the package data migration, specifically servers and records, from the V2 addon module - case #403
- Corrected validation of the "Serial" field that can now be omitted when adding the SOA record type - case #406
- Other code corrections, language and UI adjustments
Released: Feb 14th, 2023- WHMCS V8.7 support
- Added characters validation during the DNS zone names creation - case #196
- Support for WHMCS V8.3 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.3 version
- Resolved various compatibility issues with PHP 8.1 - case #353, #351
- Eliminated array errors that could occur when trying to create a new DNS zone - case #337
- TTL, NS, and SOA record values will now be correctly set with the PowerDNS server - case #343, #385
- Fixed task issue that could cause problems with updating the statuses of zones - case #362
- Resolved problems with the synchronization of zones that contained IDN domains - case #361
- "DS" record type should now be supported properly for the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #352
- Domains with uppercase names will now be correctly listed by the module - case #349
- Eliminated situations when the "Remove Zone" button remained inactive in the client area - case #340
- Fixed "You cannot use this IP address" error that could occur when adding a zone even if the specified IP address should not be blocked - case #339
- Eliminated "Unexpected Error" that occurred when the module's "Settings" were not saved after the module initial activation - case #334
- "Zone Altered Notification" will be now sent properly to clients after creating, updating, or deleting records - case #328
- Fixed cases when the PowerDNS V4 zones were created without any records defined in the records set in the admin area - case #327
- The "Manage DNS" button will not disappear after changing the domain nameservers - case #347
- The AWS Route 53 server zone name will no longer be imported with a dot sign at the end of its name - case #383
- The "DNS Zone Name" field input will be now displayed if the "Other Item Options" in the addon is configured to allow custom domains - case #346
- Fixed issue with setting up invalid zone type when the "Allow Update Of Existing Zone" option was enabled - use "linkedZonesFixer" argument for cron command if you were affected by this problem - case #241
- Other code corrections and improvements
Released: Dec 8th, 2022- WHMCS V8.6 support
- Support for PHP 8.1 version
- Migrated "Global Settings", "Packages", "Blocked Strings" and "Logs" sections to the new addon module
- Export the DNS zones to TXT files using the BIND format
- Display all DNS zones in a single table in the client area by selecting a new look format in the global settings
- Added numerous examples, tooltips and validators to the create and edit forms of selected DNS record types
- Use the IP address CIDR to cover many entries at once when managing allowed IP addresses for packages - case #194
- The records list name will be now displayed when editing the records set
- The misleading "Restore DNS Zones" has been renamed "Create Zones Backup" - case #177
- The server test connection result will be displayed in the dedicated modal window
- Requires ionCube Loader V12 or later
- Support for WHMCS V8.2 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.2 version
- Adjusted counters for the number of DNS records in a given zone
- Corrected notifications related to validating the DNS records
- Fixed "Show Product Name" option to properly display the service name without its ID - case #153
- The "Search" option that did not work in the "Records Table" in the admin area has been fixed
- Fixed cases when the module allowed to create a zone with an IP address that was outside the allowed IP addresses list
- Eliminated cases when the client could access the records sets section even if that was restricted
- Adding the DNS zones from the admin area to the server with disabled status will no longer be possible
- Nameservers information box will no longer overlap the dropdown menus when using Lagom WHMCS Client Theme
- Missing pagination has been added to list of DNS records set entries
- Fixed issue that might have caused problems with changing a large number of record sets in a bulk cron task
- Many other code corrections, notifications, UI, and language adjustments
Released: Jun 21st, 2022- WHMCS V8.5 support
- Added possibility to set a default SOA "Serial" value for PowerDNS server - case #1159
- The "getZone" API functionality will now return the domain records in the same format as used in the module and it will take into account the "Full Record Name" setting - case #1161
- Added support for the DNS "zone_name" parameter that can be returned by the "getZone" API functionality - case #1165
- Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
- Support for deprecated PowerDNS V3 version and previous - please use PowerDNS V4 instead
- Eliminated "Somethings Goes Wrong" that could occur when trying to use a zone backup when a client was no longer visible in WHMCS but still existed in a backup file - case #1151
- Corrected method of updating the PowerDNS records if the problem occurs upon their validation - case #1152
- Fixed issue with putting quotation marks in invalid places when trying to add a TXT record for Google Cloud DNS server - case #1153
- Adjusted process of activating a zone on BIND 9 server when several addresses are added into the "Slaves IP List" - case #1154
- Eliminated certain issues with updating the "named.conf.local" file for BIND 9 server - case #1156
- Corrected "Tag" field value validation for "CAA" record type - case #1158
- Fixed "Unable to find Item with ID" error that could be displayed in logs in certain situations - case #1160
- Eliminated problems with opening a modal window when trying to edit a DNS package due to using invalid characters encoding - case #960
- Solved cases when the "We don't support this record type in line" error might appear when trying to edit a zone on BIND 9 server - case #1166
- Adjusted errors handling if they occur when trying to edit the PowerDNS V4 zone - case #1167
- Resolved issue with framework redirection if WHMCS domain URL contained "id" keyword in its address - case #148
- Added missing language translations for bulk management Action types - case #157
- Fixed problem where custom "TTL" value was not saved if the default one was set for specified records - case #167
- Eliminated SQL "Column not found" error that could be shown up when trying to edit a zone for addon domain - case #170
- Fixed "Page not found" error that might have occurred when using DNS Manager along with cPanel Extended module - case #173
- Client area backup limit will now take into account only manual backups created by the client and not the automated ones created by the cron backup scheduler - case #176
- Solved cases when the displayed "PTR" record did not contain the full subdomain name - case #184
- Eliminated issue that could prevent obtaining "Related Item" list when adding a DNS zone - case #187
- Other minor code corrections and improvements
Released: Feb 23rd, 2022- Stable release
- Migrated "DNS Zones" section along with "Servers" and "Records Sets" settings to the new addon module
- Listing DNS records in "Bulk Management" will be now more accessible for users without the regex knowledge
- "Change Record Set" action in "Bulk Management" will now use the tasks jobs
- Support for WHMCS V8.0 and previous
- Fixed problem where domains without hosting in Plesk were not available for migration - case #1132
- Corrected "CAA" DNS record type support for cPanel server integration - case #1124
- Adding multiple "MX" DNS records will now work properly with the Google Cloud server integration - case #1134
- If creating a DNS zone fails, when using DNS Manager API, the response will no longer be false-positive - case #1125
- Resolved cases of incorrect filtering by allowed and blacklisted IP addresses when trying to add a DNS zone or a record - case #1122
- Fixed a minor issue of the owner's zone wrongly linked to another user's hosting - case #1137
- IDNA standard will be now properly encoded in "SOA" DNS records for Bind9 server integration - case #1130
- Adjusted regex validation for "SRV" DNS record names - case #1126
- Eliminated problem with updating domain DNS records when using the default "DNS Management" tool along with installed Domains Reseller For WHMCS module - case #1144
- Zones synchronization will now properly proceed after their import - case #1142
- Fixed problem with the validation of underscore "_" character used in the name field of the "A" record type in the Bind9 server integration - case #1141
- Eliminated problem with "Use of undefined constant DNSManager2ClientAreaPrimaryNavbar" error when setting up the master-slave replication in MySQL database - case #1116
- Assorted other code corrections, as well as language and UI improvements
Released: Dec 22nd, 2021 BETA- WHMCS V8.3 and V8.4 support
- "Twenty-One" theme support
- Rebuilt and rewritten client area user interface with a brand new look
Important: If you are upgrading the module from the 2.X version, please firstly check the update instructions here - Clients can now use the bulk management tool to add, modify, delete and list DNS records with regular expressions support as well as change DNS record sets and delete multiple zones
- Added support for wildcard domains in the DNS records - case #1067, #1105
- Added information to logs about a specific zone error that might occur when its import failed - case #1078
- Added validation of the "-" sign which is not allowed in SRV record type - case #1074
- Added possibility to translate API errors with domains - case #1097
- Support for WHMCS V7.10 and previous
- Fixed problems with adding DNS records to DNS Made Easy server - case #1087
- Corrected invalid linking on the list of zones in the admin area when a given domain was ordered along with the hosting - case #1084
- Resolved assorted problems with DNS records synchronization and import for Bind9 server - case #1076, #1082
- Adjusted package settings that could not be applied correctly to multiple servers - case #1096
- Resolved problems with import and migration of the Rackspace DNS server - case #1108
- Added limitation to 1000 of the number of allowed and blocked IP addresses in large pools to eliminate issue with "Allowed memory size" errors - case #1106
- Fixed problem with listing zones for a service that was active but its domain was cancelled - case #1099
- Corrected displaying of the blank import list if it contained a task with a user that no longer existed - case #1098
- Adjusted TTL conversion for Bind9 DNS records - case #1071
- Many other code corrections and improvements
Released: Jun 14th, 2021- WHMCS V8.2 support
- RcodeZero DNS submodule - case #916
- Eliminated "Call to a member function getSettings() on bool" error that might have occurred when trying to delete a package for an existing zone - case #1069
- Absolute path to SSH key can now be provided when configuring PowerDNS - case #1072
- Fixed white-label nameservers for AWS Route 53 - case #1070
Released: May 21st, 2021- Fixed "Class 'httpExceptionInvalidArgumentException' not found" error that might have shown up when trying to add a new DNS record after upgrading the module to the latest version - case #1063
Released: May 13th, 2021- Added support for WHMCS "Croster" custom theme - case #1044
- Added import zones support for the OpenProvider DNS server - case #986
- Added support for "{$serverassignedipX}" variables to use server's IP addresses for DNS records sets - case #1016
- The RSA private key can now be used for BIND 9 server authentication - case #982
- Support for WHMCS V7.9 and previous
- Support for PHP 7.1 version
- Fixed issue where an IP address was not obtained from a domain if the new zone was created in the "Other" group - case #759
- Corrected handling of "TXT" records that contained multiple entries or lines - case #1028, #1029
- Resolved synchronization problems of "CNAME", "SRV" and "TXT" records with the AWS Route 53 server - case #1027
- Eliminated "Call to a member function getServer() on null" error that might have occurred during records synchronization - case #1036
- Terminating BIND 9 zones should now also correctly delete them from the slave DNS server if used - case #1038
- Corrected "Manually Increment SOA Serial" functionality for the PowerDNS V4 server when deleting records - case #1041
- Assorted corrections related to validations and record synchronizations with the PowerDNS V3 server - case #1043
- Fixed problems with "priority" and "target" parameters for the "SRV" DNS record type - case #1045
- Eliminated issue that might have caused the "Segmentation fault" error occurred on cron execution - case #1046
- Entries will no longer be duplicated on the AWS Route 53 server when editing DNS record names - case #1010
- IDN domains will be now properly supported with the AWS Route 53 server - case #1054
- The domain of the deleted zone will be now correctly shown in the notification email - case #1042
- Resolved problem with importing more than 100 zones at once for the AWS Route 53 server - case #1039
- TXT records longer than 255 characters will be bow properly supported by the BIND 9 server - case #1030
- Corrected edition of "TTL" records for the BIND 9 server - case #999
- Fixed problem with deleting DNS records from the AWS Route 53 server when the "Full Record Name" option was disabled - case #963
- Resolved issues with BIND 9 synchronization if its sever was using CentOS - case #1034
- Eliminated bug that allowed a client to create backups of already suspended or terminated zones - case #1006
- Resolved problems with managing RDNS records with the PowerDNS V4 server - case #1020, #1021
- Deleting server will no longer be blocked if all its tasks have been already finished - case #1019
- The "Import Priority" option in Cron Importer will now function properly if two users use the same domain - case #1025
- The Search option in the client area should now work correctly for non-Latin characters (i.e. Norwegian) - case #1049
- Fixed RDNS support for the Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #1050
- Eliminated unnecessary API requests when creating or managing backups - case #1055
- Resolved problems with handling domains that contained invisible soft hyphen markers - case #938
- Corrected issue with creating zones based on the domain extension even when the server was disabled for the given package - case #1059
- Fixed "MX" and "TXT" records management when using the DNS Pod server - case #948, #950
- Adjusted SRV record validation that caused a problem if the "dot" character was missing at the end of the record - case #1056
- Many other code corrections and improvements mostly related to DNS records synchronizations and validations
Released: Jan 27th, 2021- WHMCS V8.1 support
- Auto-synchronization of DNS records when multiple servers are used simultaneously for created zones
- Prevent users from adding specified IP addresses for zones and DNS records by listing them in "IP Blacklist"
- Decide if a list of allowed or blocked IP addresses should be applied also to DNS records instead of only to DNS zones
- Added "Master Server" option for package configuration that will prioritize the given sever when other entries are added to the servers list
- Use IP address masks when listing allowed or blocked IPs to quickly include or exclude the given range of IP addresses
- Added import zones support for the Openprovider submodule - case #986
- API token instead of API key can now be used for Cloudflare configuration - case #981
- Support for WHMCS V7.8 and previous
- Corrected deletion of zones when using the Google Cloud submodule
- The "Protect Zones On Product Termination" option will now also take into account zones displayed in the client area
- Assorted corrections related to the handling of DNS records for the Plesk submodule
- Added omitted notification about the zone removal in the admin area
- Resolved problem with no space characters for a name when duplicating the DNS record set in the client area
- Corrected missing zone backup task from the admin area list
- Solved issue with editing TTL records for the BIND 9 submodule - case #999
- Resolved problem with """ characters that might have occurred when editing TXT records in the client area for the Google Cloud server - case #966
- Eliminated issue with filtering active services for the Cron Importer tool if they used IDN domain names - case #962
- Fixed compatibility issues with certain WHMCS modules
- Minor UI adjustments and other code corrections
Released: Oct 20th, 2020- Added "Move Management To Target Server" option for the server migration tool
- You can now decide for which service status the PTR records will be deleted when using the cron cleaner - case #915
- Added "Manually Increment SOA Serial" option for the "PowerDNS V4" server configuration to resolve issues with auto serial incrementation by the "PowerDNS V4" side
- PHP "Monolog" library from the module files that was causing compatibility issues with WHMCS V8
- Fixed problem with editing the "package" if one of the used TLDs has been removed from WHMCS - case #920
- Resolved issue with the server migration/synchronization when using "BIND 9" that had the "Slaves IP List" addresses configured - case #922
- Eliminated "TypeError" that could have occurred during the zones activation when the "Openprovider" submodule was used - case #941
- Adjusted other "Openprovider" operations and eliminated problems with DNS record names duplications - case #942
Released: Aug 18th, 2020- WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4 support
- Added translation records in the language file for the "DNS Manager" name displayed on the header and breadcrumbs in the client area - case #918
- Support for PHP 7.0 and previous
- Additional corrections related to the hiding "Manage Reverse DNS" button from not supported servers - case #821
- Fixed optimization issues with 4PSA DNS server - case #912
- Resolved issues with importing more than 1000 zones when using DirectAdmin server - case #917
Released: Jun 15th, 2020- Added white-label nameservers support for AWS Route 53 submodules - case #814
- Slight WHM/cPanel API queries optimization - case #901
- Restored previously removed "Default IP" option for PowerdDNSv4 configuration due to issues that can occur when adding "A" records from DNS records sets for zones created within only domain transfer or registration - case #725
- Fixed issue with the "Pending Domain Registration" option for zone creation automation - case #888
- Resolved problems with the TXT record type for Google Cloud submodule as well as issues with performing its test connection - case #889
- Fixed case with "Invalid DNS record: Invalid name provided" error that could occur on certain WHM/cPanel versions - case #892
- Corrected issue with connecting only to the first server for Bind9 sumbodule when multiple sources were added to the package - case #896
- Fixed case when the module tried to obtain the default IP address that was not taken from the supported module, the "0" value might have appeared which could resulted in the exception error - case #898
Released: Apr 29th, 2020- Openprovider DNS submodule
- DNSSEC support for cPanel server
- Duplicate DNS record sets - case #404
- Cron backup scheduler - automatically create and delete backups of all your DNS zones in every time ranges - case #465
- Preview zones in the created backups
- Display DNS Manager link in the "Actions" sidebar menu if a zone is created for the given service - case #637
- Set various default TTL values for given record types - case #724
- Support for "ANAME" and "HTTPRED" DNS record types - case #816, #823
- The domain label will be now hidden from the zone group tab if there are more domain zones created within that group - case #743
- The IP address for created zone can be now obtained from domain if no service is assigned to that domain - case #759
- The IP address field for zone creation is no longer necessary to be provided if it is not required by DNS server - case #759
- Added option of sorting for the "Manage Reverse DNS" section
- Added SSL support for the PowerDNSv4 submodule - case #796
- From now, the "Manage Reverse DNS" button will be hidden when a customer does not have active zones on the servers that support rDNS records - case #821
- Superfluous TTL option for new record creation will be no longer displayed for DirectAdmin submodule
- Assorted improvements related to DNS Made Easy submodule - case #823
- Swapped lock/unlock zones icons indicators to represent their current status on displayed buttons - case #774
- Support for WHMCS V7.7 and previous
- Removed unnecessary "Default IP" field from PowerdDNSv4 configuration - case #815
- Resolved problems with updating module from 2.10.0 version - case #776
- Solved issues that might have caused problems with deleting certain records types (i.e. "MX" or "SRV") from DirectAdmin server - case #803, #837
- Fixed problem with loading the "DNS Blocked Strings" section that could occur on certain WHMCS instances with a large number of clients- case #819
- Corrected "SRV" record type support for the PowerDNSv3 submodule - case #824
- Solved problem with enabled "Populate Nameservers" option for the PowerDNSv4 submodule - case #826, #830
- Using search will no longer automatically select/deselect all records on the lists in certain module sections
- Resolved issue that might have caused not displaying nameservers on the DNS records list even when the "Show Nameservers" option was enabled
- Prevention from errors occurred in logs when using zone migration between DNS servers
- Fixed issue that might have allowed clients to still edit DNS zones for services that are no longer active
- Added missing "Other" DNS zone record string to the language file - case #865
- Resolved problem with changing value of "CAA" record type on cPanel server
- Slight adjustments related to obtaining "DNAME" record fields values from cPanel server
- Fixed case that might have caused issues with displaying the name value of the PTR record type - case #886
- Minor corrections related to other tables sorting
- Other UI and language adjustments as well as code corrections
Released: Mar 20th, 2020- WHMCS V7.10 support
- Added Slaves IP addresses list and Slaves notifications support for BIND 9 configuration - case #781
- DNS records in the admin area will now appear in the same order as in the client zone
- When exporting zone to the file, the full path of the storage directory will be now shown
- Fixed error when one PTR record was scheduled to be deleted by cron cleaner due to the service termination, it could have deleted all other PTR records for the same IP address - case #773
- Assorted adjustments and corrections related to editing DNS records names after "dot" changes introduced in the 2.13.0 module version
- Corrected PTR, TTL, TLSA, LDNA records support for PowerDNS module and other minor adjustments
- Resolved issues with upgrading module from the 2.10.0 version as well as for clients who were provided custom packages with fixes
- Fixed issue with records pagination for the Cloudflare server
- "Manage DNS" link in the navigation menu will be now visible only for logged-in users - case #787
- Fixed problem with using the "@" character for DNS Made Easy server
- Corrected SRV record type for Plesk DNS server - case #793
- Corrected DNSKEY record type for PowerDNS V4 server - case #797
- Solved problem with displaying console error in the browser's development tool when adding a new zone from the client area
- Assorted adjustments for adding and editing PowerDNS V4 records
- Minor security improvements
Released: Jan 22nd, 2020- WHMCS V7.9 support
- BIND 9 submodule support - case #390
- DNSSEC support for Cloudflare server - case #708
- Lock/Unlock DNS Zones - you can now prevent selected DNS zones from their edition by customers in the client area - case #705
- "Full Record Name" - choose whether do display DNS records names with or without the domain address - case #727
- Choose whether to create a domain zone "pre" or "after" its registration - case #763
- It is now possible to use {$ns1}, {$ns2}, {$ns3}, {$ns4} and {$ns5} variables for DNS record sets to return global nameservers addresses specified in the order - case #745
- "Allowed IPs" - specify IP addresses for package configuration which will be only available for clients when creating a new zone - case #681
- You can now provide your own "Default Port" for PowerDNS V4 server configuration - case #747
- Added "Zone Account" field for PowerDNS and PowerDNS V4 server configuration
- Added support for all remaining DNS records supported by cPanel and Plesk servers (except DS record)
- It is now possible to sort DNS records by their name or types in client area - case #542
- IDN domains will be now displayed in their readable Unicode format instead being shown as Punycode - case #744
- You can use a single "@" (at sign) when adding or editing DNS records to replace entering zone's domain name
- When adding or editing zones' DNS records, each domain is now required to end with a dot. If a dot is missing, the name of the created record will be inserted prior to the zone's full domain name as if it was its subdomain part
- Support for WHMCS V7.6 and previous
- Assorted corrections to PowerDNS V4 submodule to resolved issues related to IPv6 PTR records, default A records, and subdomains used in DNS records - case #755, #733, #725
- Resolved problem with creating unnecessary "Zone Status" tasks and logs that could have occurred each time the cron job was running - case #760
- Fixed issue with displaying all DS record attributes just in a single filed
- If adding AFSDB record type fails, the proper error notification will be now displayed instead of the successful message
- Increased from 20 to 100 limit number of records that can be obtained from Cloudflare server at once to fix problem with importing a zone with a large amount of records
- Resolved problems with importing DNS records from IDN domains that contain a special character
- Built-in WHMCS global search in the admin area will be now working properly when the page with the opened module is loaded - case #740
- Fixed issue with displaying "inactive" DNS zone status if the IDN domain was used - case #739
- Corrected pagination problems when managing reverse DNS records in the client area - case #722
- Added missing information about zone names to logs when the migration cron is used
Released: Aug 13th, 2019- WHMCS V7.8 support
- "Show Nameservers" option displaying suggested nameservers for a given provider in the "Edit Zone" section of the client area - case #682
- PowerDNS and PowerDNS V4 - rectify action will now be performed automatically after changing records when DNSSec is active for the given DNS zone - case #613
- PowerDNS V4 - added support for TLSA, SMIMEA, NEC, NEC3, NSEC3PARAM, CERT, and SSHFP record types - case #686
- Cloudflare - added configuration option to enable proxy for A, AAAA and CNAME records - case #702
- Support for WHMCS V7.5 and previous
- Fixed support for DNS Pod server after the latest API changes - case #677
- "Version" attribute will be now omitted to resolve certain issues when sending XML API requests to the Plesk 12 server or higher - case #679
- Fixed problems with the configuration of connection to the 4PSA server - case #683
- Resolved issue with uppercase letters in zone names for PowerDNS server - case #685
- Corrected "You have invalid characters in your hostname" validation error that might have occurred when adding the "A" record type for PowerDNS - case #689
- When creating a backup in the client area the "The zones list for backup has been saved" notification will be displayed instead of "A new task has been added successfully" message - case #691
- Fixed issue with removing zones from the module after the termination of the related service - case #692
- When adding a new DNS zone, the available zones will be now correctly suggested instead of the already existing zones - case #697
- Solved errors occurring when creating or removing zones for Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #699
Released: May 29th, 2019- Google Cloud DNS submodule
- DNS Log Zone Actions - choose DNS actions to be logged and view a detailed change history, e.g. which of the old DNS records were changed to new ones - case #604
- rDNS support for DirectAdmin submodule - case #621
- URI and URL records support for PowerDNS server - case #640
- Support for "{$serverhostname}" variable that can be used to include server hostname in DNS records sets - case #641
- Define options to use domains with zones domain/product/addon/other items - case #592, #597
- Choose whether the domains already used in created zones can be selected for a new zone
- Implemented "Proxied" flag option for when a new DNS record is added for CloudFlare server - case #596
- Indicate the backup owner in the new "Client" column on the "Zone Backups" list, instead of identifying them by their IDs included in the backup filename
- The "IP Address" filed, when creating a new DNS Zone, will be now hidden if the custom IP option is disabled or IP Manager For WHMCS integration is not included
- If a client owns a domain with a "Cancelled", "Fraud" or "Transferred Away" status, another client will be allowed to use it when creating a DNS zone - case #632
- When editing zones, only new or edited records will be now sent through the POST method to improve the module's performance - case #594, #601
- Support for WHMCS V7.4 and previous
- If the API query limit for the Rackspace server is exceeded, the domain will no longer be incorrectly considered as deleted when it still exists - case #589
- Rackspace submodule will no longer obtain only 100 domains even when more domain records were added - case #590
- Fixed "This feature is not supported for protocol version" error that might have occurred in Plesk submodule for create/delete/get zone actions - case #593
- When new DNS records are created from DNS records sets, the SOA record will be now updated instead of being created to avoid duplicating secondary records - case #595
- Added missing "DIGEST" and "BASIC" HTTP Auth Type to Simple DNS Plus V8 configuration and corrected error handling - case #620
- Resolved issues with setting up DNS zone records for Simple DNS Plus V8 server - case #609
- Fixed problem with using "Rectify Zone" feature that created unnecessary new key records for PowerDNS V4 server - case #626
- The new NS record will be now added only if it does not exist in "dns_get_record" yet to avoid duplication when populating nameservers, e.g. in PowerDNS V4 server - case #636
- Resolved issue with overriding SOA record for PowerDNS V4 server - case #552
- Fixed problem with adding PTR record for PowerDNS V4 server where the last part of an IP address might have been cut - case #602
- Disabled pagination in the "Zones to Backup" page to avoid problems with displaying more than 10 zone records on the list - case #606
- Fixed problem with the "Number of Zones" counter that displayed "1" value in the backups list section - case #606
- Solved problem with obtaining only the last added PTR record from PowerDNS V4 server - case #603
- Resolved issue with SQL exception error that occurred in PowerDNS V4 submodule when the domain on the server was stored in capital letters - case #639
- The value of TXT record in Plesk submodule will no longer be incorrectly stored in the quotation marks - case #635
- Corrected and added missing translations to the language file - case #587, 599
- Other code tweak-ups and corrections
Released: Dec 5th, 2018- Simple DNS Plus V8 submodule with DNSSEC support - case #637
- Import/export zones to files in the client area - let customers make backups of their zones - case #521
- Define access to DNS management in the client area to DNS only, rDNS only or both - case #522
- Choose to import zones from an external server for active users and services only - case #527
- Select exact statuses of inactive services and domains for the purposes of the zones Cron Cleaner - case #524
- Decide whether to assign zones from an external server based on the services or domains first by setting the Cron Importer priority - case #531
- Added support for regular expressions (regex) use with blocked DNS strings - case #525
- Added support for zones import from external OVH DNS server - case #533
- Adjusted UI in the client area for mobile devices
- Added URLs to the clients' profiles in the module logs' records
- Resolved issue with common zone creation when the service was bundled with a common domain in a single order - case #526
- The MX record will no longer be unnecessarily validated if the same CNAME record exists for PowerDNS server - case #476
- Solved problem with OVH submodule where hosts with subdomains included were always displayed as single domains in the DNS "Name" fields - case #535
- A whole .arpa zone will no longer be removed when single PTR records are removed - case #544
- Fixed unexpected error that could occur when creating a new zone for a product addon in the client area - case #545
- The domain's NS records existence will be now additionally validated, apart from the API response, to avoid unwanted actions taken by the Cron Cleaner - case #546
- PTR records of rDNS will be now correctly removed along with the service termination - case #551
- Assorted code tweaks along with language, logs and UI refinements
Released: Aug 30th, 2018- XML API has been changed to JSON API for cPanel submodule to avoid compatibility problems with the newest versions of WHM
- The domain zones checkboxes will no longer be displayed in the client area if DNS records management is not allowed
Released: Jul 25th, 2018- DNSSEC support for PowerDNS V4 server - case #426
- DNS Blocked Strings - add blacklisted words that cannot be used to create a DNS record
- Nameservers are now automatically inserted to .arpa zones when a Reverse DNS is created - case #456
- Remove multiple zones from the zones list in the admin area - case #453
- Show Product Name - choose whether to display a full product name for the created zone or show it as the next service number in the client area - case #451
- Protect Zones On Product Termination - choose whether to remove DNS zones when a related service is terminated or keep them intact - case #449
- Cron Cleaner can now remove zones of inactive domains - case #444
- Support for AFSDB, ALIAS, HINFO, LOC, MINFO, MR, NAPTR, RP and WKS record types for PowerDNS V3 server - case #427
- Support for CAA and SOA record types for PowerDNS V4 server - case #370 and #379
- Support for DNSKEY, DS and RRSIG record types for PowerDNS V3 and V4 servers - case #457
- Support for AAAA and SRV record types for OpenSRS server - case #352
- Support for proper zones relocation after merging WHMCS clients - case #475
- Support for reseller accounts for cPanel servers (requires 'Manage DNS Records' privileges set in WHM) - case #450
- Support for 'Notify Slaves' parameter for PowerDNS V4 server configuration - case #336
- Validation check for the newly created DNS records whether they contain incorrect white space characters - case #447
- If the {$ip} variable is used for the DNS Records Set and a client tries to create a zone without an IP address, then it will be obtained form the server's address instead of skipping that entire record creation - case #474
- Tasks list in the 'Tools' section can now show up to 100 entries at once instead of 10
- Creating a new DNS zone from the admin area will now use AJAX dropdown to select a client to increase the speed of WHMCS with a high number of customers in the database - case #459
- If there are empty fields left in tabs required to edit a package, then the validation will automatically switch the related tab with those empty fields - case #458
- Fields records placeholders can now be edited in the language file
- Assorted UI and language adjustments
- Minor API updates
- Faulty counters of 'Assigned' at the DNS records sets
- Support for WHMCS V7.1 and previous
- Resolved fatal error occurring with DigitalOcean and StormDemand submodules on PHP 7
- The 'Manage DNS' link located in the 'Manage' sidebar menu in the client area will be now displayed properly at all times
- Corrected reloading of certain fields when switching between types while adding or editing a new DNS record
- Attempting to create a TXT record with an empty RDATA field should no longer cause a blank page
- Fixed missing highlighting of the module addon menu at the current section view
- Removing a PTR record from the 'Manage Reverse DNS' list will now properly remove the remaining .arpa zone from the cPanel server
- Solved issue with the impossibility to modify TTL record on PowerDNS server
- Exception error occurring after a domain registration attempt if a DNS zone with the same name as that domain already exists
- Minor code corrections
Released: Jul 11th, 2018- Optimized DNS records edition - only the modified records will be from now on passed to the API instead of all in the list
- Fixed missing parameter that caused issues related to connection with the SimpleDNS API
- NS records will now be properly added to the reverse DNS zones
- Corrected integration with domain registrants that lack DNS management
- Solved problems with 4PSA submodule for PHP 7.2
- Corrected in-addr.arpa zones import for the reverse DNS
- Fields' placeholders are now translatable in the language file
- Main domain is no longer missed when DNS records are added for the AWSRoute53 submodule
- Fixed improper fetching of TXT records for the SimpleDNS submodule
Released: Apr 13th, 2018- WHMCS V7.5 support
- PHP 7.1 and 7.2 support
Released: Jan 24th, 2018- OVH submodule
- Create DNS zones directly from the admin area
- Mass actions to apply DNS record sets to multiple zones in the client and admin area
- Automatically wipe existing domain zone records when applying DNS records from the set
- Provide the information displayed in the client area concerning the invalid SOA, domain availability, activity and its pending status
- Automatically populate nameservers for newly created zones
- Automatically set a nameserver in the SOA record when creating a new zone
- Decide whether to create a zone for the transferred domain before or after launching the transfer
- The 'Select all' checkbox for the zones import tool
- Additional variables '{$domainname}' and '{$domainextension}' can be used for DNS record sets - case #412
- Implemented support for the 'CAA' DNS record for the PowerDNS and PowerDNSv4 submodules
- Support for SSH public and private keys for the PowerDNS server configuration
- Unused 'zxcvbn' library
- Adjusted relations of TLDs in the database to prevent problems with encoding
- Solved issues with uploading a file in the 'Zone Backups' section
- Assorted code, UI, language and validation corrections
Released: Sep 7th, 2017- InterWorx submodule
- Assorted UI adjustments in the client area
- Added missing 'None' option in the client's record set selection
- Creation failure of any DNS record for the Rage4 and DigitalOcean submodules will no longer prevent further creation of a given DNS zone
- Disabled unsupported RevDNS functionality for the DigitalOcean submodule
- Resolved problem with fetching an incomplete DNS zone list for backups
- Import and migration statuses for cron tasks are now handled properly
- Fixed creation and display of SRV records for the Cloudflare submodule
Released: Aug 23rd, 2017- Cloudflare submodule
- DigitalOcean submodule
- PowerDNS V4 submodule
- Define multiple DNS record sets available for clients
- DNS zones will be relocated along with a domain upon its transfer between clients
- Support for new API methods - createZone, removeZone, updateZone, getZone
- Update existing zones with newly added record sets
- AAAA, SOA and SPV records support for Rage4 DNS server
- AAAA and SRV records support for 4PSA server
- Additional alerts to prevent accidental Cron Cleaner execution
- The list of results will be correctly restored upon removing all characters from the search engine
- Corrected URL address for backups download
- Surmounted problem with doubling record fields when setting up records limit
- Fixed 'Unable to load Class' notification that might appear in the Zones List
- Prevent clients from assigning zones of a server that does not belong to them (the import tool is required instead)
- Only DNS records set up in a package will be now visible in the client area
- Resolved issues with handling IDN domains
- Hidden PHP warnings when error reporting is enabled
- Minor code and language alterations
Released: Jul 21st, 2017- Adjusted order of DNS records sets
- Resolved compatibility issues with RRProxy server
- Corrected master and slave zones propagation on PowerDNS server
- Solved problems with SRV records on DNS Made Easy server
- DNS records sets will be now used for every created zone properly
- Fixed PHP fatal errors that might occur during cron execution
- Corrected support for IDN domains
- Solved issues with JavaScript that might occur on Safari browser
- Minor cleaner corrections
Released: Mar 9th, 2017- Resolved troubles with display of 'Manage DNS' menu link occurring after language change in the client area
- Send email notifications properly and view error information if any problems occur
Released: Feb 16th, 2017- Added Zimbabwe 'co.zw' to the supported TLDs list
- Corrected zone list fetching for RRPProxy submodule
- Resolved fatal error in supported DNSSEC extension
- Adjusted jQuery library loading in the client area
- Solved issue affecting PHP notices for paid invoices
Released: Jan 25th, 2017- AWS Route 53 submodule support
- Allow clients to create and manage DNS records' sets
- Handle zone backups - import/export zone to file
- Optimized sorting in zone groups and DNS records in the client area
- Expanded 'Logs' section
- Remove PTR records by cron
- Slight code adjustments
Released: Nov 29th, 2016- Display records in the client area correctly
- Calculate zone limits in a proper manner
- Search functionality has been fixed in the client area
- DNS server passwords containing HTML special characters are handled properly
- Do database table collation if none was received during module activation
- PowerDNS submodule - adjusted WHMCS V7 compatibility
Released: Oct 28th, 2016- PHP 7 support
- Resolved conflict with custom domain registrars
- Minor tweaks
Released: Oct 10th, 2016- WHMCS V7 support
- PowerDNS submodule - Define if you wish to allow DNS records duplicates
- SimpleDNS submodule - Corrected display of MX records list
- DNSPod submodule - Run connection test
- SimpleDNS submodule - Edit zone records
Released: Sep 15th, 2016- Recognition of DNS records when looking for a relative part- lowercase record and domain name
- DNSMadeEasy submodule - PTR records are added correctly
- Remove logic preventing MX records duplicates from being created
Released: Sep 7th, 2016- Rage4 submodule - define records priority
- Rage4 submodule - edit DNS records
- DirectAdmin submodule - remove TXT records
Released: Aug 11th, 2016- PowerDNS submodule - issue with 'Such record already exists' notification has been resolved
- SimpleDNS submodule - rDNS records are removed from external server not only form WHMCS
Released: Jul 13th, 2016- Introduced DNS Management functionality for domains whose registrars do not support it by default (Read more)
- Automatically select zones during import if matching products are found
- Display information about record types not supported by assigned servers - during package creation
- Pagination allows jumping to a desired page
- Minor UI tweaks
Released: Jun 30th, 2016- Changed: PowerDNS submodule - 'SSH' field renamed to 'SSH Port' to improve the clarity
- Bug Fix: SimpleDNS submodule - support for TXT and MX record types
Released: Jun 9th, 2016- PowerDNS submodule - minor tweaks in usability
- Rackspace submodule - add SRV record
Released: May 17th, 2016- Synchronize zone even if NS type records are returned with excess '.'
- DirectAdmin submodule - Create zone using 'CMD_API_DNS_ADMIN' function
- PowerDNS submodule - Display correct status of domain signing action
- Rage4 submodule - test connection with server
Released: May 11th, 2016- PowerDNS submodule - support for DNSSEC
- DirectAdmin submodule - support for DNSSEC
- Toggle DNSSEC for zone
- View DNSSEC details of zone
Released: Apr 29th, 2016- DirectAdmin submodule - Add NS record
- 4PSA submodule - Import and migrate zones
- Multi-language support
Released: Apr 6th, 2016- Access to DNS Manager For WHMCS API
- Allow creating revDNS records with custom IP address
- DNS4PSA submodule - define client name
- SimpleDNS submodule - define primary SOA DNS server
- Ability to search desired zone on import and migration lists
- Calculate zones number limit
- Prevent removing rDNS records along with zone
- Core optimization for large number of records
- Nettica submodule - use WSDL if possible
- OpenSRS submodule - core optimization
- OpenSRS submodule - resolved conflict with OpenSRS domain registrar
- Tweaks and fixes of submodules: AtomiaDNS, cPanel, cpanelOldApi, DirectAdmin, OpenSRS, SimpleDNS
- Rackspace submodule - resolved problem with special characters in TXT records
- Import skips zones already existing in DNS Manager For WHMCS database
- Calculate number of PTR records
- User interface tweaks
- Routing tweaks
Released: Jan 3rd, 2016- Standalone PTR - create PTR records without DNS zone
- Create free packages with custom limits assigned to each customer
- Allow to create records using hosting related IP address only
- Create PTR records using IPv6
- Create zone/record using IP address from clients subnet - IP Manager For WHMCS required
- Smart import - automatically assign zones to clients products
- Move zone between related items
- Tightened validation during zone creation to improve security
- Autocreate DNS zone along with assigning package to client
- Minor tweaks in multiple submodules
Released: Dec 18th, 2015- Integration with IP Manager For WHMCS
- Create rDNS zone for a subdomain
- Issues with PowerDNS submodule
- Issues with DNSMadeEasy submodule
- Creating rDNS using SimpleDNS submodule
- Creating rDNS using StormOnDemand submodule
- Optimization of a large clients database during importing
- Handling connection problems with DNS server
- Migrate rDNS zones
- Editing DNS record sets
Released: Dec 3rd, 2015- License check on hook actions
Released: Nov 27th, 2015- Define if Cron Cleaner should remove unused zones or notify only
- Define if Cron Sync should remove unused zones or notify only
- Create zone automatically
- Add multiple records to DNS records set
- Define Migrator job run time
- Improved jQuery compatibility
- Minor admin area tweaks
Released: Nov 24th, 2015- New dashboard notifications
- Display 'DNS Management' link in hostings and domains sidebar automatically
- Removed ability to command synchronization from 'Zone List' page
- Display 'Manage DNS' button in the client area
- Send administrator email notifications
Released: Nov 20th, 2015- Restored PowerDNS submodule support
- Restored PowerDNS Hosted submodule support
- Restored OpenSRS submodule support
- Restored SimpleDNS submodule support
- Load admin area pages using AJAX
- Define number of zones to migrate per cron run
- Handling problems during zones import
- Minor tweaks
Released: Nov 4th, 2015- Module code rewritten from scratch
- Rebuilt client area user interface
- Rebuilt addon module user interface
- Create and manage packages - different settings depending on assigned items
- Assign multiple servers to packages
- Define items (products/domains/product addons) purchase of which results in receiving package
- Assign package with limits for zones, DNS records types and DNS records quantity
- Define additional package settings
- Define multiple DNS records sets
- Enable rDNS for multiple servers
- Enable multiple PTR for multiple servers
- Manage cron jobs settings and run interval
- Manage email notifications settings
- View important system notifications
- View DNS servers usage
Released: Aug 3rd, 2015- WHMCS V6 support
Released: Aug 29th, 2014- Improved security and license validation
Released: Jul 4th, 2014- Support for Freenom submodule
Released: Mar 17th, 2014- Security zones management for option 'Allow To Create Own Zones'
- Added setting up WHMCS client ID in a field account for Power DNS submodule
- Added full MX records management for DirectAdmin submodule
- Added Pending/Pending Transfer/Pending Renew statuses for zones at the client area
Released: Dec 6th, 2013- Added domain filtering by status on the List Zones page
- Added search field of IP addresses in the client area
- Added support of integration code for option 'Allow To Create Own Zones'
Released: Sep 27th, 2013- Added support for Parallels Plesk submodule
- Added support for AtomiaDNS submodule
- Added new Processing option: Manage DNS client area link
- Added new Processing option: activate zone for Pending Registration and Pending Renew
- Added records validation for PowerDNS
- Fixed problems with integration codes
Released: Jul 30th, 2013- Added compatibility with WHMCS 5.2.6 and 5.2.7
- Improved client area interface
- Fixed bug: Does not display the IP addresses for the Reverse DNS when checked option 'free for all registered customers'
- Fixed bug with Import Tool: Connection problems with DNS Made Easy submodule
- Fixed bug with PowerDNS submodule: Connection error when password contains a '&'
- Fixed problem with missing entries for multi-languages
- Fixed problems with PHP 5.4
Released: Jul 22nd, 2013- Improved Import Tool: works with a large amount of domains
- Managing DNS and rDNS records per product in the client area
- Grouping and sorting zone records in the client area
- Switching template in the client area: 'Simple' or 'Advanced'
- Adding multiple records in the 'One Page' template
- Added support for PowerDNS Hosted submodule
- Added support for DNS Made Easy submodule
- Added support for Import Tool: SimpleDNS, DirectAdmin, DNS Made Easy
- Improved errors reporting in the Import Tool
- Improved client area design
- Added Dutch translation
Released: Mar 19th, 2013- Support for WHMCS V5.2
- Cron Unused PTR: PTR record is removed only when all orders with the same IP address have the status of Terminated/Cancelled
- Fixed problems with web browser Internet Explorer 9
Released: Mar 6th, 2013- Support for Nettica module
- Support for Forward records (only for Nettica module)
Released: Feb 1st, 2013- Added the button 'DNS Management' in the clientarea, for product management in cPanel Extended For WHMCS (only for common domains)
- Added the option 'Delete empty RDNS zone' in Processing bookmark
- Fixed Power DNS submodule: Incorrectly updated the field 'serial' in SOA records
- Fixed 4PSA DNS submodule: Connection problem for some characters in the password field
Released: Nov 6th, 2012- Email Notifications For Admin
- Integration Codes + Default Template Examples
- Adding Multiple IPs For Reverse DNS Zone
- Support For Rage4DNS Module With Reverse DNS
- PowerDNS Import Tool With Reverse DNS
- Support For Storm on Demand Module With Reverse DNS
- Support For EuroDNS Module
- Support For cPanel DNSOnly
- Removal Of Unused PTR Records (CRON Synchronization)
Released: Jul 27th, 2012- Multiservers Functionality
- History Logs
- Zones Synchronization with CRON + Whitelist (Deactivate Domains With Wrong Nameservers)
- SimpleDNS rDNS Functionality
- Disable Records Functionality
- Import Tool: cPanel, 4PSA, HostBill
- Filtering And Paging In Clientarea
- 'Manage DNS' Button In Zones List In Admin Area
- Balloon Descriptions Implemented To Facilitate Understanding Of DNS Manager
- IDN Zones Supported
Released: Apr 13th, 2012- Reverse DNS
- Rackspace Module
- DNS.com Module
- SimpleDNS Module
- DirectAdmin Module
Released: Jan 25th, 2012- Fixed list zones ajax loaded actions on specific php.ini settings
- Fixed cpanel submodule error handling
- Fixed Configuration problems for some installations
- Fixed Default Records configuration problems
Released: Jan 20th, 2012- Stable Release
Business Scenarios
Centralized rDNS management for adminsCentralized rDNS management for adminsRead More
DNS Manager For WHMCS provides an option for administrators to manage Reverse DNS (rDNS) records across all clients from one centralized location. Within the addon, administrators can effortlessly add, update, or delete rDNS records for any client, eliminating the need for individual client configurations. This simplifies reverse DNS management and ensures that admins have full control over all clients' rDNS settings.
DNS management for domains without native supportDNS management for domains without native supportRead More
Some domain registrars do not offer DNS management, leaving users with no control over their DNS settings. With DNS Manager For WHMCS, this is no longer a problem. It compensates for the lacking feature, eliminating the need to switch registrars.
Both DNS and rDNS management for ordered servicesBoth DNS and rDNS management for ordered servicesRead More
DNS Manager For WHMCS can be effortlessly set up to automatically create a DNS zone, pointing at the server your client has just ordered. Reverse DNS (rDNS) management is seamlessly integrated as well, ensuring that both forward and reverse DNS settings are correctly configured with minimal effort from the client.
Add secondary DNS zones with easeAdd secondary DNS zones with easeRead More
Offer your clients the option to create secondary DNS zones. If they already have DNS zones hosted with another provider but would like to have a secondary DNS server as a backup storage solution, DNS Manager For WHMCS is the perfect tool for just that.
Automated DNS Configuration for new service ordersAutomated DNS Configuration for new service ordersRead More
With DNS Manager For WHMCS, you can simplify DNS management for your clients by automatically setting up DNS zones for newly ordered services. As soon as a client places an order, DNS records are created to point to the corresponding server, making the whole process hands-free.
DNS Manager For WHMCSMax Berg 2 years agoDNS Manager For WHMCS is a fantastic plugin, it extended functionality of our services, everything is well integration and works flawlessly. Thanks ModulesGarden!
DNS Manager For WHMCSMassimo D. 4 years agoWe have tested this module for over 1 month and never had any issues. We are going to purchase it. Recommended.
DNS Manager For WHMCSVytautas Bernotas (UAB Starflix Vilnius) 4 years agoGreat and useful add-on for hosting power users. Works well with PowerDNS v4 and CloudFlare. Helps offload DNS profile management to our customers. Integrates flawlessly into whmcs. What more can you ask.
DNS Manager For WHMCSEDDAHANI Radouane (INMOROCCO) 5 years ago3 years now using this Module and everything going well, I can just recommend it.
DNS Manager For WHMCSChristopher McGill (GekkoFyre Networks) 5 years agoThis specific module redefines how you undertake DNS Management of your systems with regard to your own infrastructure and that of your clients. When plugged into your DNS servers whether that be through the cPanel API, CloudFlare, directly through PowerDNS, or some other method, it will allow your clients to undertake the management of their own DNS requirements without the intervention of any technical staff. This is a must for any hosting company making use of WHMCS for their invoicing/billing needs and simply cannot be done without. Many thanks to ModulesGarden for making the module available, we are extremely happy with it!
DNS Manager For WHMCSUrban Jazbinšek (iSERVER d.o.o.) 5 years agoWe have been using this module for 2 years and never had any issues. Recommended.
DNS Manager For WHMCSJonathan Smith (ViUX Systems) 5 years agoStill working on this integration, but all seems to be going well and excited about potential of outsourcing DNS Hosting to CloudFlare with this module.