Gain peace of mind by protecting your eCommerce store against credit card testing and velocity attacks. Reach out to OPMC to discover how the WooCommerce Anti-Fraud Plugin can safeguard your store and customers.
We invest thousands of hours annually in our fraud prevention software, resulting in a new release every 2-3 weeks.
WooCommerce Anti-Fraud is the premier off-the-shelf fraud prevention solution for eCommerce merchants. Equipped with powerful payment fraud detection tools, it helps you identify and stop fraudulent transactions and credit card fraud in real time. This plugin continuously scans for suspicious activity, blocking threats before they can impact your business. With advanced scoring rules assessing every transaction, you have peace of mind knowing your store is secure and protected.
version 6.0.7 Updates:
Cloudflare Turnstile Support
Better reCAPTCHA Handling – Now required for every payment attempt to block credit card testing.
Smarter MaxMind Integration – Uses over 50 data points to catch fraudsters in real time.
Improved IP Verification – More accurate fraud detection by checking if an IP matches the order location.
version 6.0.6 Updates:
Fixed Critical Errors for Manual Orders – Resolved issues that were causing errors when creating manual orders in WooCommerce.
Improved Stability & Performance – More reliable fraud detection to prevent disruptions while processing orders.
Access to over 70 settings for full control over how your prevent ecommerce fraud on your WooCommerce site.
If a potentially fraudulent transaction is detected, the WooCommerce Anti-Fraud will automatically block or prevent these orders based on your specific configuration. The plugin can easily be configured to perform one or more of the following automated actions:
WooCommerce Anti-Fraud works out of the box – no need for additional rule configuration. We have defined a collection of default rules that automatically assess and scores each transaction. These pre-configured rules are suitable for most online stores. Moreover, you can easily customize the rules to suit your preferences with just a few clicks and to place higher or lower importance on specific factors/rules.
The WooCommerce Anti-Fraud plugin lets you assign a ‘risk weight’ to each risk factor. This means that you can decide how important each risk is and configure this to your specific sotore. The higher the risk weight for each category, the higher the consideration will be given to the rule in calculating the overall risk score when the risk is detected.
Identify first-time customers or their initial order in a processing state. This rule also allows you to
recognize new customers. Allow Antifraud to understand and make it easier for your existing clients to shop and repurchase.
WooCommerce Anti-fraud now includes integration with the Maxmind minFraud Score tools. Now, combine existing rules with a smart real-time risk score for each order. This feature gives you an extra layer of security by assessing orders for fraudulent activities using a smart machine learning algorithm by MaxMind. Enabling this feature, you will be notified about the status of the order when the risk score exceeds the threshold set in the minFraud Settings.
These two features can help you reduce chargebacks effectively. You can set the maximum buying amount, number of products and even weighting based on the type of products you are selling to counter fraudulent activities.
Gain access to OPMC’s experienced team to advise on your ecommerce fraud prevention matters, and access advice for more complex needs and challenges.
WooCommerce Anti-Fraud plugin automatically assigns a risk score to each order on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher the score, the greater the likelihood of the order being fraudulent. This is called the risk score. Examining the risk score enables you to quickly evaluate the potential risk associated with the transaction and take the appropriate defensive actions. You can find the risk score and receive advice for each order directly within the WooCommerce admin panel.
Beneath the risk score, users can see any warnings linked to the order. The advice provided is related to the rules in place (for example, if a customer’s IP address doesn’t match the billing country). The higher this number is, the more likely it is that the order is potentially fraudulent.
Bypass user roles, payment methods and emails from fraud rules by whitelisting them.
Evaluate customers before they make actual purchases through your Payment Gateway.
Payment Gateway or Bank warning you about too many fraudulent transactions? Pre-payment Verification can help.
If the risk score reaches a high-risk order range, the customer order will be denied in advance, a custom message will appear on the checkout explaining the reason for denial. Add a custom message by typing in the text area in the pre-purchase setting.
Identify threats based on IP, geolocation, phone number, proxy, billing and shipping addresses.
The Anti-Fraud for WooCommerce plugin extends to powerful integrations with 3rd party services (charges may apply). These include: