Slack is a messaging app for teams. You can use Slack in your browser, or via a native app for iOS, Android, Mac, or Windows.

- Download the zip file above and upload the ‘pmpro-slack’ directory to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory of your site.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Navigate to Settings > PMPro Slack in the WordPress admin to configure the add on.
First, follow this guide from Slack to create a new incoming webhook.
Then under Settings > PMPro Slack in the WordPress admin:
- Paste the webhook URL into the “Webhook URL” field
- Select the levels you’d like to receive Slack notifications for
- click “Save Changes”
The PMPro Slack Settings Page
This is a Free Add On.
Create a free account or log in to gain access to downloads and documentation.