EventON 4.6 What's new?



Event Calendar

More than data.

Beautifully designed calendar that empowers the ease of creation and discovery of events.

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Learn More About Calendar Features What's New with 4.6

The Calendar

Customize the most important aspects of a calendar, to your needs.


Give unlimited categories to events, show them on events and use them to sort events.

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Various repeat options from presets to custom.

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Easily translatable to your language and can support multiple languages.

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Time Zones

Add time zones and localize event times to audience's time zone.

Location & Organizers

Assign location data, images, maps and multiple orgaizers.

Featured Events

Prioritize featured events.

Yearly & Monthly Events

Events that span entire month or an year.

Event User Interaction

Various user interaction options for event clicks.

62k+ Downloads

EventON has been in business since December, 2011 and has over 62k downloads around the world with 4.38/5 rating at codecanyon.

Behind EventON

58k+ Lite Downloads

Since December 2022, EventON Lite has been downloaded over 58k times around the world with a 4/5 rating.

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Vital Event Information

The essential event information, each beautifully and thoughtfully present within customizable eventcard blocks.

Event Details

Add a comprehensive event details using WordPress block editor, embed content or embed other shortcodes. Optionally, you can set the event details to be visible as an expandable content or the complete details.

Multiple Organizers

Assign multiple organizers to an event via WP taxonomy and re-use same organizer data on various events.

Unlimited Event Images

Create beautifully crafted image gallery from the unlimited images added to an event.

Enhance the event image experience with continuous image navigation and more with event photos plus addon. Event Photos Plus Addon

Event Location Data

Display Google Maps API based event location map and other location information for the event.

Location Images

Mini gallery based location images and interactive location descriptions.

Get Directions

Offer visitors the ability type their address and get directions to event location, right from the event.

Repeating Event Series

Give access to events on the same repeat events series, from current repeating event.

Related Events

Easily select other related events to help your visitors find events similar to the one they are interested in.

Social Share

Support various social media platforms to share event details direct from the event.

Add to Calendar

Add the event to google calendar and iCal based calendars using ICS file of the event data.

Health Guidelines

Easily integrate and display various preset health protocol data and custom health information for events.

How to setup health

Optimized for Search Engines

Auto added Schema data and JSON-LD event data will make your events easily visible for search engine crawlers.

Live Now

Virtual Events

Live Progress Bar

Show a real-time event progress bar and time left for live events, which turns black when the event is completed.

Live Now

Animated live now icon makes it easy for anyone to find live events.

Live Now Jitsi Live Stream Intergrated
Waiting for moderator

Event Attendance Mode

Go virtual, physical or hybrid, whichever your situation might be.

Control Event Access

Choose exactly how you want to show virtual event access data.

Always 3 Hours before event start 2 Hours before event start 1 Hours before event start 30 Minutes before event start Right when event start

Jitsi & Zoom Integrated

Setup virtual events right from event edit page.

How to connect to zoom

Keep in touch with After Event Content

Share recorded live event video or take home materials after the event is over.

Local Time

Set event timezone and allow viewers to see event time in their own local time.

Extend Virtual Features

Power-up your virtual event experience with these supportive addons.

Virtual Plus Tickets RSVP Countdown Reviewer

Schedule View

A clutter free, clean look at all your events in a schedule format with optional location and organizer fields.

See in action

How to Setup Schedule View

Events Happening Now

Real-time live events calendar view. Auto remove completed events. Auto load next event on time.

See in action

How to setup this

Curate Event Criterias


Search events by basic title and description or use advance search to find events with more event data. You can also add standlone search box anywhere in your site.

See in action


Set various event data as filters for events using one-click filter style or select multiple filters then apply filter style. You can also set multiple filter type relationship of AND/OR.

Clear Filters

Further customize the filter methods to allow multiple selections and apply and clear filters.


Quickly sort events by date, title or event posted date. Sorting options can be set or removed via settings.

Jump Months

Allow visitors to quickly jump to desired month and year of events with the month jumper.

Event Type Categories

Event type categories offer functional calendar event filtering option for your users to find specific type events.

How to use event type categories

Multi Data Types

Create event data sets and reuse them again and again for other events. Change the data set once and reflect on all the events.

How to use multi data types

Custom Meta Data Fields

Enable additional meta data fields for events which also support dynamic event data values.

Tile Design

EventON Calendar comes packed with various calendar display layout styles, that is designed to highlight event key information right from the first look.

Colorful Tiles

Cleanly designed event tiles layout offers a beautiful alternative layout for your calendar. Your customers will be able to find the event information quickly with the tiles while drawing their attention right to the minimal design of the tiles.

See tiles in action

Tile with Images

Display event featured image as tile background with event details overlaying.

Tile Details Below

Display event featured image above the event main details on the eventtop.

Details on Side

Show tile details on right side with date on left side.

Bare Minimum

Tiles with bare minimum design, with just event title. Clicking this will reveal all event information on lightbox.

Many Cool Views

Choose from various other design styles that best suit your website space.

Event Bubbles

When there is less space, a bare minimum event bubbles is what you need to show events in a fun way.

See in action

With Small Image

Give more meaning to events with featured event images right on the eventtop.

See in action

Crystal Clear

With no background color, this style will blend smoothly with website colors.

See in action

White Wash Bubble Dates

Super highlight the event date with white wash bubble using this eventtop style.
shortcode: eventtop_date_style='1'

See in action

Original Design

We are still supporting our OG EventON calendar clean style - the left border event color with expanded border size on hover.

See in action

shortcode: eventtop_style='0'

Lists of Events

Create various event lists from various months with just EventON.

Upcoming Events

All the comming up events sorted by months. Set your own rules on how to hide past events based on event time.

See tiles in action

shortcode: hide_past='yes'

Past Events

Achieve list of the past events by offsetting the calendar month start number.

shortcode: month_incre='-3'

List Without Month Headers

Create event lists without month header in between. You can also apply various eventTop styles or tile styles to lists as well.

Extend Lists

Take event lists to the next level with Event Lists Ext. addon.

Third Party APIs

Paypal & Zoom

Setup basic paypal payments for events. Or extends to comprehensive event payments with Event Tickets Addon. You can also setup zoom OAuth connection for virtual event support direct from events.


Along with RSVP and Tickets addon you can create automated actions from events using webhook platforms like IFTTT, zapier, intergromat, Automate.io Built.io, Workato, elastic.io, APIANT, or webhook.

How to use webhooks

Back-end Experience

Check out EventON backend

Install. Add Events. Make changes and show off the events.

EventON is built for customized user experience. Most of the aspects of the calendar can be customized easily from back-end UI.

Various Repeat Possibilities

Create unlimited event repeat instances for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and custom repeat dates.

Learn how to setup repeats

Event Color Selection

Enable gradient event colors and set amazing colors with custom gradient angles. (@since v 4.5)

Related Events

Select related events to go along with the current event, and have those display in the event page and eventcard.

Cool Shortcode Generator & Gutenberg

Create various calendar types with our super easy and fun to use shortcode generator build right into WordPress as part of gutenberg blocks.

Event Card Designer

Easily organize event card data fields into layouts that best fits your need. Colorize event card fields to give it more importance over other.

How to use EventCard Designer

Event Top Designer

Customize eventtop data fields and layout into different columns and hide and show various data as well.

Customize Calendar Appearance

Customize font family, colors, font sizes etc. on various aspects of the calendar to seamlessly blend it in with your website.

Translate into Multiple Languages

Build-in easy front-end text translations supports multiple languages. Translation can also be easily exported and imported.

Learn how to translate

Pluggable Functions for Developers

Most aspects of EventON gets run through pluggable filters, so developers can easily hook into them to create or alter dynamic features.

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Exciting Features of EventON

Set Custom Colors

You can set custom colors for events and event type categories

Shortcode Generator

EventON comes with a unique shortcode generator that helps you create various shortcodes at ease

Expandable Details

You can show an except of the event with faded teaser of full description where users can see complete details

Unlimited Event Images

Set unlimited images for an event to create a vivid gallery about the event for your visitors

Location maps & Directions

EventON use google maps to display event locations and get directions

Add Events to Calendar

EventON allow add to calendar and add to google calendar options

Feature Events

Display feature events above others or create only feature events calendars

Re-arrange Event Card

Easily re-order data fields for event card of the event

Multi-day events

You can create events that last more than one day

Repeat Events

EventON offers various repeating options such as repeat by days of week and custom repeat schedule that is easy to set for events

Event Categories

Assign events upto 5 category types and create calendars that show only certain category type events

Filter & sort events

Users can easily filter and sort events to find exactly what they are looking for

Custom Meta fields

You can add upto 10 custom event data fields with pluggable extension with various content types

Font awesome icons

You can customize all the calendar icons using supported font awesome retina icons

Custom Time Format

You can easily change date and time format of events to a desired format universally

Social Share Icons

Support all major social share sites plus send via email. This can be easily modified with pluggable functions

User Interaction

Events can be opened as slide down, inpage lightbox, single event page or do nothing

Add Event Organizer

Organizers for events along with their information and image can be reused among other events

RTL Support

EventON frontend calendar support right to left text for those languages that require this

Appearance Editor

Fast and easy appearance editor allow you to customize the look of eventon calendar to match your website styles

Events at location

Location archive pages allow users to see all the events taking place in one location

Span event till end time

You can span an event till end time while hiding the event end time. Specially for overnight end times

Hide past events

Don’t show past events, eventon can hide all past events from showing on calendars

Delete past events

Not just hide, but you can automatically set to delete all the past events to keep things clean and upto date

Search Events

Visitors can easily search and find events using build in search bar with optional advanced search

ICS All Events

Allow visitors to download all the events as ICS file that is importable to outlook and iCal

Multi Data Types

Create advanced data connections for events for efficiency and reusability of data

JSON-LD Schema

EventON events comes with JSON-LD and regular schema data support for each event for better search engine visibility

AJAX Pagination

Events can be viewed in increments using ajax based or regular pagination of events on the calendar

Year and month long events

Create year and month long events that will show in the calendar for the whole duration

Auto Complete

Cron based auto complete events once they have passed

Event Types Calendar

Create calendars to show events from only certain event types or not from certain event types

WP Widgets Support

Add eventON calendars into your website easily using WP widgets or use any eventON shortcode inside widget

And so much more.

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See what's new with EventON 4.6

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Extend EventON with Addons

EventON Addons collection provide additional features that will help you take your event calendar to next level.

FullCal View

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Tickets Addon

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Essential Addons Bundle

7 of our best selling essential addons packed in a discounted bundle!

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